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  • Plugin Author Josh


    The table attributes addon has been depracated in the new version of Tinymce (version 4).

    Tinymce is the software used by WP for the content editor.

    That addon button used in UTMCE was for version 3 of tinymce.

    Apparently, no one has tackled re-coding it for the new tinymce version 4.

    I will look into this today.. and see what information I can find.

    Thread Starter Accounking


    Alright, You are there. Try to see if you can do anything about it.

    I have got a couple of other users in the general WP forum saying they are also missing the same as no other plugin is even close to making as beautiful tables.


    Plugin Author Josh


    You bet!
    Please follow up with me in 24 to 48 hours if I have not posted back.

    Thread Starter Accounking


    Josh, You should read this link, see what chaos the changes are making ??

    The list of annoyed people has just reached another level.

    Anyways any update on this, you said to FUP so !! ??


    Plugin Author Josh


    Yes, I’ve been watching Andrews threads as well. I’ve decided to back off, completely. I’ll continue doing what I do.. but I’m not going to get as involved in the discussions.

    I’ve learned people will believe whatever they want.. regardless of what facts are presented. If they have already “made up their mind”.. then there is absolutely no changing it.

    So, I concede ??

    No, nothing yet. Honestly, that “older” table button was pretty feature-packed. It had taken them quite a while to develop that, I’m sure. I forget the original developer.. but I’m keeping a list.. and trying to contact each developer of the old plugins. Just to see if they have any plans on updating them; working together; or whatever else.

    But no… I wouldn’t hold your breath on this feature. However.. once things settle down with my emails and forum topics and threads… I’ll be able to re-focus back on development. You never know what I might produce… when I have the time ??

    Thanks for understanding.

    Hi Josh

    Just found this thread. Noticed it was 6 months ago. Has anything changed? I loved that button. So damn handy. Any other single plugin replaced it’s function? The option to still tick it exists in your latest version though so am a bit confused….



    Plugin Author Josh


    Hi Brad,

    Yep… the tinymce group decided to revamp the table plugin. They added back a few of the options… but not all of them.

    The table button works in WP Edit.. and the additional options will be there.

    Give it a try… and let me know how it works for you.



    I checked my old site that still had a table button working. It came from Tiny MCE Advanced so I downloaded that again and viola!

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