• Resolved MikeHarrison


    This is more out of curiosity than anything else; at the moment, I don’t believe my site has a security issue regarding this, but…

    I also use the plugin “Redirection.” It keeps a log of 404 errors, and in this log are repeated requests for pages that no longer exist and even non-page files in other directories – by what shows up as ip address

    When I Googled the subject, consensus seems to be that is an ip address that has been spoofed. If that’s the case, is it possible that could pose security problems? Or, to eliminate any possibility, if I were to try to prevent any site access whatsoever (not only login attempts but even viewing) by by blocking it via .htaccess, could doing so cause more problems?



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  • Plugin Author AITpro


    Where are you seeing is it your ip address, REMOTE_ADDR, Host Name, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR or the website|server ip address? Post a Security Log entry so I can see it. Most likely it is going to be a routing mistake|problem.


    The default route in Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) is designated as the zero-address in CIDR notation,[1] often called the quad-zero route. The subnet mask is given as /0, which effectively specifies all networks, and is the shortest match possible. A route lookup that does not match any other route, falls back to this route. Similarly, in IPv6, the default route is specified by ::/0.

    Thread Starter MikeHarrison


    The ip address does not show up in the BPS security log. It shows up in the Redirection plugin’s log of 404 errors. This address is apparently trying to access pages or other files on my site.

    Again, I posted this here out of curiosity to get feedback from others as to whether it *might* pose a security issue, as I’d read was (or could be) a spoofed address. And, if someone if spoofing an ip address (just as entries on caller ID can be spoofed), I figured they were up to no good.


    Plugin Author AITpro


    The first thing you want to check is – does the “Redirection” plugin use|create the IP address when it cannot get an IP address. So ask that plugin author if that is what is happening. From a security standpoint I do not see how a routing IP address could be used to hack anything, but I will look around.

    Thread Starter MikeHarrison


    I have posted a question on Redirection’s support forum asking why I’m seeing I’ll let you know the answer.


    Plugin Author AITpro


    Here is some additional info about the non-routable meta-address used to designate an invalid, unknown or non applicable target.

    The only thing is that you’re not saying “all addresses should have access” — that’s done in your firewall(s) and/or the server software and/or other security layers like tcpwrappers., in this context, means “all IP addresses on the local machine” (in fact probably, “all IPv4 addresses on the local machine”). So, if your webserver machine has two ip addresses, and, and you allow a webserver daemon like apache to listen on, it will be reachable at both of those IPs. But only to what can contact those IPs and the web port(s).

    Note that, in a different context (routing) usually means the default route (the route to “the rest of” the internet, aside from routes in your local network etc.).

    Summary|Conclusion: If someone did spoof the IP address to if that is even possible since is publicly|externally non-routable then it would only serve to hide their ip address and could not be used for anything malicious externally or internally.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    I downloaded the Redirection plugin and looked at the code. In theory, this could be the cause of IP addresses being logged as If the ip2long and long2ip php functions cannot get the correct IP address then will be outputted.

    static function create( $url, $agent, $ip, $referrer ) {
    		global $wpdb, $redirection;
    		$insert = array(
    			'url'     => urldecode( $url ),
    			'created' => current_time( 'mysql' ),
    			'ip'      => ip2long( $ip ),
    		if ( !empty( $agent ) )
    			$insert['agent'] = $agent;
    		if ( !empty( $referrer ) )
    			$insert['referrer'] = $referrer;
    		$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->prefix.'redirection_404', $insert );
    while ( $exported < $total_items ) {
    			$rows = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}redirection_404 LIMIT %d,%d", $exported, 100 ) );
    			$exported += count( $rows );
    			foreach ( $rows AS $row ) {
    				$csv = array(
    					long2ip( $row->ip ),
    				fputcsv( $stdout, $csv );
    			if ( count( $rows ) < 100 )

    Confirms that the theory is possible:

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Non-BPS Plugin issue/problem:

    Thread Start Date: 4-26-2015 to 4-27-2015
    Thread Resolved/Current Date: 4-28-2015
    Comments: Issue/problem has to do with the Redirection plugin. A thread has been posted in the Redirection plugin support forum regarding this issue/problem.

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