You can add following code in your theme’s functions.php
Editing theme files directly is not recommended as you will lose your changes every time you update the theme to the latest version. The best way to make changes to a theme is to use a child theme, so your tweaks won’t be overwritten when updating the theme. If you’re new to child themes, you can explore these guides:
Once your child theme is set up, you can put Juhi’s code into the child’s functions.php and you won’t have to worry about it being overwritten every time you update the theme.
Also keep in mind that Facebook has minimum size requirements for its shared images, so if it’s not using your post’s image it could be because it doesn’t meet the minimum size.
I’d suggest running a couple of your posts where the wrong image was shared through Facebook’s debugger and see what it says. If the image is too small or has other issues, it will tell you. After correcting any image issues in your post, you can click the “Fetch new scrape information” link in the debugger to force Facebook to pick up your new image.