• I’m extremely new to this so please bear with me.

    I’m in the process of starting a website and i installed
    wordpress so that i could have a blog on my site.
    i learned how to install themes so that the look of the blog
    closely matches the rest of the site but i would like to
    install a table at the top of the page with links to the other
    four or five pages of my site.

    Here’s how I tried to do it:

    Using frontpage 2003, I create one of my web pages with the table of links at the top of the page. I copied the area of code pertaining to the table.

    Then I opened up the blog page in frontpage 2003 and pasted the
    code in there.

    When I previewed the page, everything looks great.

    Then I save the page as index.php and upload and overwrite the old

    Now, when you get to the blog, it shows up with the table of links at the top, and the links work, but now nothing else on the page works. The page won’t show new blog entries. It is as if by saving it, it freezes the page.

    Is there a way to manipulate the code without having these problems?

    All i want to do is insert a table of links.

    I’m sorry if i haven’t explained well, let me know if i need to clarify anything

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  • I am assuming from your post that you overwrote your index.php file in the root wordpress directory.

    You are NOT supposed to do anything to the index.php file in you root wordpress directory!!!

    To make any front-end changes, please work with your theme files.

    First get your blog back up again in default format, and then post back with exactly what you need done.

    And don’t open any WP file in FrontPage. Get a plain text editor.

    Thread Starter b_double


    Gotcha, I already saved my entries and erased and reinstalled
    wordpress again. So I’m back to square one.

    basically, I have a table of links (two rows of three) that I’d like to install at the top of all my pages, including my blog.

    I used frontpage 2003 to create it and it works on my regular htm pages
    so i guess I just need to know WHERE to install the code so that it’s effective
    on my blog page without the glitches.

    any help is appreciated.

    Thread Starter b_double


    If it helps, I also have dreamweaver, but i’ve never used it
    (that’s my wifes toy, she’s the pro)

    Which theme are you using? And can you please post the link to the blog that is working now?

    DW – only in code view, not wysiwyg.
    Plain text editor ??

    The answer to your question might be very theme specific, so you have to tell us which theme are you using and a link is even better.
    Most likely you have to put your code in the header.php template.

    Here you can get an idea how the template files come together in a theme:

    Throw away both of those programs, that’s my first bit of advice :o)
    All you really need is Notepad and a good FTP program such as FileZilla.

    As far as your question goes, you’ll need to put the links at the bottom of the file called header.php. You get there by navigating to wp-content >> themes >> (NAME OF YOUR THEME) >> header.php. Put the links below the tag that says <body>; that will be at the bottom of the file. You’ve got to decide where, exactly, you want them to display. The most logical spot is below the <h1> header and before the <hr /> horizontal rule (assuming you’re using a theme based on the default theme.)


    Thread Starter b_double


    JONLANDRUM!!! You’re a genius!! Thanks to everyone that helped out.
    My problems are solved. I opened header.php in notepad and inserted
    the code, works like a charm.

    thanks again

    Thread Starter b_double


    Oh, one more thing, if I want to change the color of the text, where would I make the change for that?

    I’ll never touch an index.php again!! lol

    oh, I’m using black-letterhead, btw

    Everything style related is in the style.css file of your theme.

    Thread Starter b_double


    yeah, i searched through and found it, thankyou moshu, all you guys have been a tremendous help

    Glad we could help :o)


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