• test your plugin a little bit, please: (2 hours loss)

    3 bigs errors

    Use of undefined constant Mfma_rlMediaSelector – assumed ‘Mfma_rlMediaSelector’ in C:\wamp\www\parisbubbles\wp-content\plugins\media-file-manager-advanced\media-selector.php on line 431

    if (class_exists(Mfma_rlMediaSelector)) { ==> if (class_exists(‘Mfma_rlMediaSelector’)) {

    Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in C:\wamp\www\parisbubbles\wp-content\plugins\media-file-manager-advanced\media-selector.php on line 322
    public function __construct() {
    $this->pluginDirUrl = WP_PLUGIN_URL . ‘/’ . array_pop(xplode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname(__FILE__))) . “/”;

    ==> $p=explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname(__FILE__));
    $this->pluginDirUrl = WP_PLUGIN_URL . ‘/’ . array_pop($p) . “/”;

    Use of undefined constant PLUGIN_VERSION – assumed ‘PLUGIN_VERSION’ in C:\wamp\www\parisbubbles\wp-content\plugins\media-file-manager-advanced\media-relocator.php on line 33
    ==> ??????????? where is the constant

    i try : const PLUGIN_VERSION=”1.1.5″; in media-relocator.php

    please, test your plug-in before publish it: if no, yours bugs can destroy the database wordpress project of others.

    Now I have not more confidence in your plug-in: it may be very useful (i needed it), but I do want my wordpress project explodes…
    call me when you will test your plug-ins and I will change my position


    NB: i have worpress 4.0. but it’s not a pb of version class_exists(Mfma_rlMediaSelector) is a syntax error

    with 4.01 i have when i want to use it:
    Notice: Use of undefined constant mfma_relocator_dircmp – assumed ‘mfma_relocator_dircmp’ in C:\wamp\www\parisbubblesDraft\wp-content\plugins\media-file-manager-advanced\media-relocator.php on line 223


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