• Can U help me please to make a new front page that it’s a very strong challenge for me?
    Now my frontpage (www.mediweek.it) is a static frontpage of an italian daily online journal. I make it “by hand??: I write title and except everytime by hand, and it’s very difficult for me, and very expensive.
    Is there a way to have automatically the same result? I.e. Can I put the articles/posts for the first page in a appropriate category and make so that ten main articles can be visualizing by an order I give them, in a table structure?
    I thank U in advance. If You can help, will make me a great present… for a great 2006!

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  • https://www.balerno-communitycouncil.org.uk is basically a static home page. However, the ‘Site News’ column at the bottom of the table contains just the titles of the ten newest postings on the site. Every time a new posting is added it appears at the top of the list.

    Is this the sort of thing you are trying to do?


    That is what I’m trying to do jpmcc, could you let me know how? I would be eternally grateful!


    If you want to show the list of recent posts/articles in yor static page, you can install a plugin displaying recent posts, and insert the tags (plugin) into your static page..

    here is a plugin displaying recent posts and comments

    This is the code used in the Balerno Community Council site (it’s in the Home Page home.php):

    <?php rewind_posts(); ?>
    <?php query_posts('showposts=10'); ?>
    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); update_post_caches($posts); ?>
    <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php _e('Permanent link to'); ?> <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a><br />
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    Hope this works for you too …


    jpmcc – I copied your code, created a new file home.php, and placed the code in it. Is there anything I need to do to change in the home.php file to get it to work. Do I need to do a homepage hack first? And if I do, how do I do that?

    I’m running WordPress 2.0, upgraded from 1.5.x

    I wrote a HOW-TO on my blog which might help:


    It describes how to create a static front page. I could also email you a copy of the home.php if that’s any help.


    I tried to follow what your website said and this is the error I got.

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected ‘=’ in /home/httpd/vhosts/keithrichard.net/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/blix/home.php on line 3

    I think its not finding the page titled home, but I do not know?

    Make sure that you have used real single quote signs before and after ‘pagename=home’ and not some other symbol. If you cut and paste from the browser you may pick up some funny characters…


    You were right, the ‘ symbol did not transfer correctly when I coppied and pasted the code. Thanks for your help on that. I know you’ve spented a lot of time on this, and I greatly appreciate it.

    Now I’m going to figure out how to place a table in the page like you did on the Bolerno Community Council website. I realize it’s not a table in the sense of creating a normal webpage, but I will try to figure it out. Any help on this would also be great, but you don’t need to if you don’t have the time.

    I’m sure this static page thing, and how you set-up the Bolerno webpage would be a great plugin or theme for WordPress ??

    I seem to be doing better now after looking at the coffee2code.com link, and I think I’m starting to understand the structure of WordPress (home, sidebar, etc..)

    I do have one last request. I’m using the code from above on my webpage and was wondering if you knew how to place the month/day/year next to each post. So it would be…

    This Is My Post! 01/11/2005


    Thanks again, I’ve found it very difficult to search through the codex and the support forums on this site. You can only view the most recent 20 or so topics. If I try to go to page 2 or greater it bring me back to the main support page.

    the tutorial page is a dead link now. can someone help me with this issue?

    Lot of issues in this thread. Which one is like yours?

    Does this page help? Creating_a_Static_Front_Page

    Or maybe a plugin? https://www.ilfilosofo.com/blog/home-page-control/

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