A new “Invalid Backup File Path.”
Seeing the same “Database Failed To Backup On ‘December 21, 2016 @ 4:59 PM’. Invalid Backup File Path.” error. When using echo $command; I receive the following results (specifics blanked out for client security):
“C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/bin/mysqldump.exe” –force –host=”localhost” –user=”xxxxxxxx” –password=”xxxxxxxx” –default-character-set=”utf8″ –add-drop-table –skip-lock-tables xxxxxxxx > “E:^\^\inetpub^\^\xxxxxxx^\^\wp-content^\^\backup-db/1482344511_-_xxxxxxxx.sql”
When I try to run this via SSH, I receive “The system cannot find the path specified.” If I take out the extra ^\^ added after each section in the path, it runs successfully.
I’ve verified the path in DB Options is E:\inetpub\xxxxxxx\wp-content\backup-db — what I would expect to see.
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