This is another example of what I’m talking about:
On a a small screen, a gallery of 8 pics is represented as a mosaic and here’s the key: the total number of pics in the gallery is stated in the bottom right corner, clueing in the user to the availability of pics:
On larger screens, it appears as an inline carousel:
I think this is brilliant because it conserves screen real-estate for those of us who might have a lot of pics and want to use a plethora of images to raise the stickiness of our site but at the same time don’t want to 1. fill a story post with all the thumbs that belong to a gallery 2. just put inside a post a link to separate gallery elsewhere without at least showing SOME thumbs and the number of available pics.
The Independent site uses Drupal. Does anyone know what module they are using? is there any plugin in WP that does something similar. Hard to believe so many plugins and no one’s done this before???