A lot of PHP Notices
There a lot of PHP notices and errors:
PHP Deprecated: stripos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior in …/wp-content/db.php on line 439
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: write in …/wp-content/db.php on line 588
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: write in …/wp-content/db.php on line 625
PHP Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: read in …/wp-content/db.php on line 714
PHP Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: write in …/wp-content/db.php on line 714
FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: База данных WordPress возвратила ошибку Field ‘module_id’ doesn’t have a default value в ответ на запрос INSERT INTO wp_redirection_logs (url, created, ip, agent, sent_to, redirection_id, group_id) VALUES (…)How can I resolve it?
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