• Andrew


    Hey there,

    I’m thinking about setting up a site where people can purchase well-priced, quality WP themes, contact me and have me create a custom theme for them, and get superb web design and graphic designa€??but mainly my questions here have to do with the first two.

    I was wondering whether or not it’s a plausible idea to have a service where people can purchase pre-made themes (for somewhere around $19.95a€??give or take a few bucks), or have me make a custom template for them. Obviously, these templates would be 100% rock-solid, and be very, very high-class in terms of design.

    Any thoughts?



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  • Plausible ? Certainly.
    Cost ? maybe a sliding scale – personal site / other ?
    Copyright the hell out of it or it will end up as a theme here somewhere.
    If you use screenshots to show off these pre-made themes then expect copying.

    Overall thoughts ? Go for it … and didn’t a style of yours get quite some acclaim before here ? (Unless I am mistaking you for someone else)

    If you do decide to run with this, come back and make a post here describing it, contact info, that sort of thing – we’ll be able to point people at it them ??

    Good Luck !

    Thread Starter Andrew


    Ahh, thank you! That’s the response I wanted.

    And yes, one of my designs did get acclaim. But I think my most recent template is better.

    If I got linked from WordPress.com, that’d be totally awesome.

    Btw, what do you mean by “Sliding Scale – personal site / other”?

    Thanks again,




    personal site templates = cheaper
    professional business type templates = more expensive

    somwhere in between = somewhere in between



    You could also do like the “high-end” template sites do and sell a “unique” license for a theme that hasn’t been downloaded yet.

    Thread Starter Andrew


    Yes, I certainly coulda€??I’m thinking that the unique license would be $100,000,000 (okay, maybe that’s a little bit optimistic) ??

    Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

    i would sell a theme and a ready to go version of wordpress with some mods already installed. their is soo much potential with wordpress in all types of different industries.

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