I started simple and now I’m moving towards complicated ones.
1. First it was simple headline with editable text (RichText)
2. Second was a Card block (MediaUpload and Title). Image with text
3. Button. Here I’ve used URLInput, as well as many controls like dropdown for button size(SelectControl), range for button border radius (RangeControl), Text Color and Background color (ColorPalette).
The only problem I have with all the stuff is lack of proper documentation. Don’t get me wrong, the current handbook is a great way to get started, but once you go little bit advanced, then you have to go to Github Repo of gutenberg and look into source code of blocks.
I can see there are tone of components we can use, but what I would like to see a documentation for each component with all of it’s settings. For example if I want to use URLInput I would like to see what element attributes (value,onChange…) I can use.
RichText has ‘formattingControls’ and I’ve only managed to pick that one up by looking what other devs have done. I feel If I had a full documentation with examples I would spend less time debugging and more building.
If I can help you with this documentation or with anything else, I would be happy.
P.S. I am planning on building more complex block as I go, super excited.
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