• Hello there ??

    I saw in a blogger blog a WONDERFUL functionality, that was the first time I saw in at blogger blog, and I really would like to be able to mimic this in wordpress, because this is very useful.
    I’d like to ask you guys if you see a plugin or a hack that could enable this, I will describe it ??

    (I can’t give the URL to that blog here, it happened to be an adult blog ?? )
    Simply said, there is an additional blog note added at the end of the blog’s home page (after the next / previous buttons), at the end of the listing of a category’s blog notes, and at the end of every blog note.
    That additional blog note is different wheter it is at the bottom of the home page, or the categories or at the end of a blog note.

    This is a small paragraph trying to help the visitors and give them suggestions.
    For instance, the version at the bottom of the home page says “remember there are much more things to see, use the previous / next buttons, and you can also use the Search field to find more articles about the same keywords”. Or the version at the bottom of a blog note says “you can read that page for help about how to download things, if you find a broken link please add a comment to tell me and I’ll fix it, and if you appreciate it and you want to support me, share the link to my blog everywhere, in forums, or place my link on your own blog with a small description, thanks”.

    This really is a great idea, to help visitors who aren’t familiar with blogs architecture, and to guide our visitors.

    Alas, I do not see how to apply that to a wordpress system, I searched for hours without success ??

    Would you please have an idea or a suggestion ?
    I will be most grateful if you do ??


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  • Thread Starter sabinou


    I found a “better than nothing solution”, in the index.php file of the current theme’s folder :


    <?php else: // If it's a regular post or a permalink page ?>
                      <div class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
                         <h4><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h4>
                         <div class="contentarea">
                            <p class="details"><span class="user"><?php the_author_posts_link() ?></span> <span class="date"><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?></span> <?php edit_post_link('Edit'); ?></p>
                            <?php the_content('Continue Reading &raquo;'); ?>
                            <?php wp_link_pages(); ?>
                            <ul class="controls">
                               <li class="more"><?php the_category(' , ') ?></li>
                               <li class="comments"><?php comments_popup_link('Comments (0)',

    The trick would be to add whatever I want under ul class=”controls”

    But that’s a bit annoying, not-so-simple for a solution. I’m certain this is possible to have a real blog note placed in there…

    Has someone an idea ?

    Small plugin that appends these notes to the content should be easy to put together (if something similar doesn’t exist already).

    Thread Starter sabinou


    Regrettably, I don’t think there is already such a plugin, and I’m really at a loss when PHP is concerned, so coding a plugin myself is beyond my capacity :-/

    I guess i’ll have to edit the template’s code manually, too bad.

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