• i am looking at purchasing a dedicated ssl from geotrust through my web-host, because i think google is trying to push the whole internet to be https:// soon.

    But i don’t to break my wordpress site whenever this dedicated SSL from geotrust through my web-host is purchased and installed. Here’s a quick explanation of my wordpress site:

    – currently running wordpress newest version (at this time, is 4.9.4) and keep it up-to-date,

    – currently using basic “twenty seventeen” theme and keep it up-to-date,

    – currently using four basic plugins, and I keep them up-to-date: the names of the plugins are wordfence security free version, akismet anti-spam, yoast seo, sassy social share

    – the only thing i do on this blog is write and publish Posts.

    i want to use “better search replace” to replace all https://example.com with https://example.com in my WP site after the SSL is finished installing to make the WP site work, correct? I must do that in order for my site to load? But I want to make sure I understand:

    1) At the point in this process where I would run “better search replace” and replace all of the instances of https://example.com with https://example.com in all of my tables, I understand that whenever someone purchases an SSL certificate, there’s a point in the process where one chooses a “Common Name”, and one has to specify either https://www.example.com or example.com (with or without www). My web-host has already told me which choice will use, in my case, for my site, but does change or relate to this search string that I will enter into “better search replace” whenever I am attempting to do this process you have recommended, of changing all of the instances of https://example.com with https://example.com in all of my tables?

    2) When I am ready to actually run this “better search replace”, I will uncheck the box called “Run as dry run?”, and then when I hit the button “Run Search/Replace”, that is what runs it for-real, correct?

    3) Is there a way for me to test and make sure that “An error occurred processing your request. Try decreasing the “Max Page Size”, or contact support” error won’t happen whenever I uncheck the “Run as dry run?” box and do the real thing? Like, am I able to test and make sure that it will work and not give me the “An error occurred processing your request. Try decreasing the “Max Page Size”, or contact support” error whenever I have the “Run as dry run?” checked and try the dry run first? If the Dry Run works, is that safe to assume that I will not get the “An error occurred processing your request. Try decreasing the “Max Page Size”, or contact support” error and it will carry it out for-real whenever I uncheck the “Dry run” and start the for-real process?

    4) Are there any server requirements in order to use “better search replace” that I need to check with my web-host, that I could check right now, to ensure that it it wlll run and load and function as it should and everything?

    5) Do you have another plugin that’s free and dependable that you could recommend, that I could just know about and have waiting in-reserve, in case, for whatever reason “better search replace” does not work?

    Appreciate any insight you can give me.

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