• Resolved lilap



    I like the sound of this plugin but it is hard for me to understand it’s functions.

    I see that it is easy to add user content and that it creates a custom post type and have a few questions about it.

    1) I noticed that you can add a shortcode to any standard page? Does this add content from the user private page when using the shortcode? Or does it just redirect the user to their blank private page?

    2) Is HTML allowed within the text field of the private page?

    3) Can you copy Visual composure elements into the private page? or does it just return plain text?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Teodor Cosofret



    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    1. Yes you can add the [client-portal] shortcode inside any page. It will redirect the user to his private page.

    2. Yes you can add html inside the Private Page since it is a Custom Post Type.

    3. Technically it should work. If you encounter issues when using the Page Builder on the Private Page just let me know.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter lilap



    So just installed the plugin, I would like to know if it was possible to only create a private page for a single user? or Selected users? I have a bit of users and only want the pages for some of them instead of all of them.


    Teodor Cosofret



    For the moment you can create Private Pages for all the users.

    After you create the Private Pages for all the users, if you do not want a user to have a Private Page, go to Users -> All users -> Select a user and then click on Private Page -> In the right side you have the Move to Trash option -> Click on that link -> Now click on Trash -> Delete Permanently.

    By doing this that user will not have a Private Page.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter lilap



    Unfortunately I don’t think this would work for me as I have hundreds of users and only need a private page for around 5.

    Teodor Cosofret



    In this case go to Users -> All Users -> Select/Check the users that you want to have a Private Page then in Bulk Actions select Create Private Page -> Apply.

    By doing this you are creating Private Pages only for specific users.

    Let me know if this solution works for you.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter lilap



    Perfect! I knew there would be a solution. Would you and your team consider further developing and introducing new features in the future? I wouldn’t mind paying for this plugin to help you and your team develop this further. Possibly like in Envato.

    Teodor Cosofret



    I am glad that the solution works for you.

    Yes we would like to improve the plugin. If you have any feature requests for Client Portal you can submit a support ticket.

    Only the dev team will be able to decide if the features requested can be implemented in the core of the plugin.

    We will continue our conversation using the support ticket.

    Best regards,

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