• Ok, so I’ve been lurking for months and I’ve always found my answer on here so I know you guys can help me.

    I have been working on my site for a class assignment. My teacher expects us to learn WordPress on our own and I haven’t been trained properly.

    What I really need to figure out is
    1. I want to remove the page title on the Resume page.
    2. I want to remove that excess white space on the Resume page above my resume.
    3. I want to hide the “Previous Page, Next Page” links on the bottom of the page.
    4. I am thinking about adding multiple content frames like comic book style on my home page. (Think like Pinterest) where the panels all are different widths and make up the bigger width of the page.
    I don’t know if the last one is possible so it might be a stretch.


    Any info would be helpful! It’s still a work in progress so don’t be too critical!

    Thanks guys!

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  • Numbers 1-3 can be done in the CSS code. The last one would be possible, but you’d need to know quite a bit of HTML and CSS. How much of either do you know?

    What theme is that and where did it come from?

    Thread Starter crorr


    I figured as much with the CSS. I just couldn’t find it anywhere and I don’t know where to put it.

    I’m pretty ok with the HTML and less on the CSS. I’m willing to learn and work it though. Any ideas on where to start would be awesome.

    The theme is Anglepane and its from Planetstarta.com

    Hmm, that must be a new theme builder site — I’ve never seen it before and the forums look new (i.e. age of posts). Generally, these forums only support themes, plug-ins and the core WP from this site, so you will likely need to go to the Planetstarta forums for assistance with their themes. That said, the best way to work with CSS is by using Firebug — it will show you which CSS is affecting certain elements on the page. So for your resume page title the code is this:

    <h1 class="pagetitle">Resumé</h1>

    So then in the CSS code — you can add this to hide it:

    h1.pagetitle {
       display: none;

    You can likely do the previous and next links that way too.

    This is a good CSS reference site: https://www.w3schools.com/css/

    So far as the extra space, there is a whole lot of messy, and confusing code in there. Looks like a lot of empty tags and elements. That’s a problem with theme builders — other ones I’ve seen tend to be the same way.

    Frankly, I’d really recommend that you use a regular WP theme — you’ll have fewer problems, learn proper coding and be able to get help here from people who are very experienced with WP. You can totally customize regular themes so they won’t look like anyone else’s :).

    If you want to learn more about how WP works, the Codex is the best resource:

    There are also tons of resources including YouTube videos so Googling around would be useful too.

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