• I’m using version 2.2.6 of the plugin on a development installation on my local machine, using XAMPP v 3.2.1.

    1. In general settings, I chose “Comment text max length” 500. (Please specify words or characters, by the way, on the settings page.) I tested this by entering text with 800 words and nothing stopped me. The full comment was published.

    2. In Email subscription settings, I checked all four boxes. But when I go into a different brand of browser, empty the cache, and fill out the comment form, there is never anything displayed about notifications; and in fact I’m not getting any email notifications when I submit a comment. (My test comments do show up on the page just fine.)

    3. In Form template phrases, I changed “Name” to “First Name,” but in the other browser (cache deleted), it still says “Name.”

    4. Can you give me instructions what to put in the standard WordPress Discussion settings? Should they match what I’ve put into WpDiscuz? Or maybe those standard settings will be ignored?

    5. Feature request: I’d prefer that an error message appear when someone does a submit without filling in a required field — rather than going to another page.

    6. Feature request: If you don’t want to make the change I requested in #5, could you make it so that the text the visitor painstakingly put in the input field is still there if I come back after an error (e.g. not filling out the Name field)?


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  • Thread Starter aparente001


    7. Supposedly the user should be able to go back and edit the comment. (I chose 30 minutes.) But that is not offered to me.

    Thread Starter aparente001


    8. I am not seeing a “Load More Comments” button, even though I have a lot more comments than are being currently displayed.

    Thread Starter aparente001


    I think the reason nothing seems to be working correctly is that I was trying to use the plugin to manage comments attached to a page, not a post.

    Is there anything that can be done to transfer all the lovely features over to page comments?

    Plugin Author gVectors Team


    Hi aparente001,
    wpDiscuz doesn’t have those problems, something wrong on your end, maybe some important PHP extension is turned off in XAMPP. Also there may be some plugin or the current active theme which totally affects wpDiscuz work. wpDiscuz works fine on any type of post and page, that doesn’t matter. Please try to install a vanilla WordPress with default theme and check if wpDiscuz works on your local host.

    Thread Starter aparente001


    Thanks for the reassurance, will do and will let you know.

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