A different Warning Message with CURL "Warning: Invalid argument supplied…"
First, I’d like to say great plugin, you did a good job and your directions are very clear and easy to follow. I’ve been able to successfully use it in the past but I’m having trouble after moving my website to a new server.
First I got this error
Warning: file_get_contents(https://webservices.amazon.com/onca/xml?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ26NTKZAENB6H5HA&AssociateTag=giidme01b-20&IdType=ASIN&IncludeReviewsSummary=True&ItemId=B008BVWAG2&Operation=ItemLookup&ResponseGroup=Large&Service=AWSECommerceService&Timestamp=2014-07-02T02%3A36%3A00Z&TruncateReviewsAt=1&Version=2011-08-01&Signature=nKQOy5CiTTSpNOmNhLUlihjJCZwJ3xMMAeTB6Q8rSm4%3D): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data03/63/2131563/html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-product-in-a-post-plugin/inc/aws_signed_request.php on line 649
After reading your FAQ I changed the “API get method:” to “CURL”. Now I am getting this error.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/p3nexnas05_data03/63/2131563/html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-product-in-a-post-plugin/inc/amazon-product-in-a-post-shortcodes.php on line 224Some addition information, not sure if it will help but I thought I would mention it because these are changes that happened since the new warning message.
– I’m using short codes
– I’m now using a Godaddy wordpress server.
– I accidentally deleted my original “Access Key ID”, I created a new key. Would my Secret Access Key be the same or would I need to generate a new one?
– Product cache is empty if I use “file_get_contents”
– The product cache will show items with “CURL” even though I’m getting that errorAny ideas on how I could fix this? Thanks!
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