A couple of chnages and suggestions
1. By default, if an editor is signed in, they can view the history page and see all changes made by all the users– including admins. This is not good.
2. The navigation links at the top have a bit redundant naming conventions, e.g. Post/Post | Post/Page | Post/Custom-post-name etc. Can we have only the names of the CPTs without the Post/ prefix? Also CPTs that have names like “My Product” appear as “My-product” maybe it would be better to use a consistent singular_name or plural_name naming convention for CPTs to be displayed up there instead of the slug
3. There is also Post/Nav_menu_item, that is not good to look at. Maybe just say Menu Item?
4. Consider adding an option to selectively choose which post types, admin areas etc. to monitor for changes. E.g. I only want posts of type X, Y, Z to be monitored plus users and attachments, but don’t want to log plugin changes and the Settings page
5. There is a small typo when you click the “generate a new address” link from the settings page, the message displayed afterwards says “Created new secret RSS adress”– notice the missing “d” letter ??
6. When the admin UI is in RTL (e.g. Arabic) there is minor CSS mess– the
tag with the classsimple-history-rss-feed-page
is absolutely positioned toright:0px;
you need to make itleft:0px;
when detecting the admin is in RTL7. Some texts in the plugin are not translatable
8. Where can I send you my translation of this *awesome* plugin? (I added Arabic support)
9. Thank you for this plugin!
10. Consider adding those changes immediately in the next update! ??
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