A change in php…
I’ve made some changes to excerpt styles by creating a intelliwidget directory in my theme and uploading the intelliwidget.css and adjusting/adding there… It works fine for what I need regarding styles…
I also wanted to do some things with the ellipses at the end of excerpts… I have been able to do what I need by changing line 308 in the class-widget-intelliwidget.php file… Changing it to this…
$excerpt .= ' ?. . . "';
So that I get spaces between the dots, and a quote at the end… There is also a hard space in front of the first dot…I tried putting the php file into the intelliwidget directory with the style css but didn’t affect, so made the changes in the actual file in the plugin, which gives me what I wanted…
So my question is, is there a way to do this, another place/way to put the change, so I don’t loose the change when the plugin is updated…?
Kind regards,
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