• _underscore_to_camelcase( $str ) has a programming error:

    for ( $i = 1; $i <= count($parts); $i ++ ) compares “less than or equal to” (<=) but should compare only “less than” (<). This causes an undefined offset PHP notice for the last value of $i, which equals the length of the array, because there is no item with that index. This is a classic out-by-one error.

    foreach can be used with a check inside the loop for the first item to simplify the code and reduce the likelihood of such errors.

    Also, strtoupper() in if ($parts[$i] == 'id') ... strtoupper($parts[$i]) is redundant, since the returned value is always ‘ID’.

    In total;

    foreach (explode('_', $input) as $part) {
      $result .= empty($result) ? $part : ($part === 'id' ? 'ID' : ucfirst($part));

    This will have different behaviour where the input parameter is “_foo_bar”. This implementation will convert it to “fooBar”, but the current implementation will convert it to “FooBar”. If this difference is important, isset() could be used instead, or foreach (... as $i => $part) with if ($i === 0).

    Unit tests for this function would be very wise.


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