_transient_ptk_patterns Autoloaded
This transient is set to autoload on all pages and in my case its size is about 500Kb, and WordPress keeps me warning about such huge size.
Apparently, it stores a model theme that I use, and not even included the customizations I have implemented on this theme. Even the model pictures are stored into it and that’s the reason of its size.
Despite of searching on all documentation, I couldn’t find anything related to this transient so I decided to set its autoloaded to off and my board seems to be ok without it.
Point is, every time Woocommerce is updated, this transient is back on all the pages affecting performance.
Strange thing about is when my theme needs an upgrade, this transient remains off and only when Woo is upgraded it gets back on.
Main question is, what’s the real purpose of this transient? What should I expect to see when turned off?
Why the reason it’s storing such huge info that’s apparently useless.
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