• Hi,

    I am new at wordpress, and will be very graceful if you could help me with my question. Thank you ??

    I wanted to start a weblog and chose wordpress as weblog software. When I looked at different themes, I thougt the Detour theme was the best there was. So I load it into my weblog, but when I did some messages disppear.

    My question is; what is wrong with my weblog? There is also a warning with explorer below my weblog.

    Can you please help me?

    My weblog can be found at:

    Thank you,

    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I am still learning!

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  • I’m not familiar with this theme yet, but, did you try contacting the theme author about this “warning message”? Or, maybe someone else around here is more familiar with that theme, and could help you better? Good luck!


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