You’re going to have to nix the various Loop-based template tags for your endeavor here. But first, you can collect the post this way:
<?php $post_B = new WP_Query('p=70'); ?>
Then to display various bits of the post, you can echo the ‘post’ properties in $post_B:
<h3><?php echo apply_filters('the_title', $post_B->post->post_title); ?></h3>
<?php echo apply_filters('the_content', $post_B->post->post_content); ?>
Note how I’ve passed them through the apply_filters() function (with the appropriate hook) to make sure all the usual formatting, etc occurs. But you can bypass this if you don’t need it:
<h3><?php echo $post_B->post->post_title; ?></h3>
<?php echo $post_B->post->post_content; ?>