I really have to reply to this first paragraph off your own site:
“As a member of the Web Standards Group I design forward compatable sites using valid xhtml and css. I also recommend that you use a content manager such as Movable Type or Expression Engine to make additions and changes to your site simple, easy, and inexpensive.
(I no longer recommend using WordPress).”
For starters, anyone can join the Web Standards Group.
Secondly, one doesnt design forward compatable sites because of a membership, they design them because they want to and in spite of having a membership — that they (you, in this case) are compelled to advertise within the first paragraph, hell the first sentence of their site, even if said membership is as easy to acquire as submitting an e-mail address.
In other words, you are full of crap.
As for the last 2 sentences… yeah right $149.00 minimum for MT. Thats inexpensive? I dont think so. Easy to use? Tell that to someone thats trying to figure out what the hell a mime-type is when theyre trying to install a plugin.
Again, youre full of crap there.
Expression Engine? Uh, ok, its cheap (they have a free one), but lets see — the free version comes with NO technical support, none, nada, nilch. Want support? Be prepared to spend $99.95 at the pMachine store.
Again, your full of shit. And terribly so.
— Mind you, you are entitled to your opinion, but for what its worth, your opinion isnt based on facts.
Lastly, i doubt anyone really gives a crap what you reccomend, or in WordPress’s case, dont.
The FREE support one receives here for a FREE product is superb, especially considering the recent influx of new users and repeat questions, and I dare say, in spite of ppl like me, that arent as tolerant as some others. That you bemoan the support here, and specifically the way you do so, (in another post on your site) makes you sound like a whiny petulent child, not an accomplished web designer.
The time and effort that the WordPress community at large gives back in designing FREE themes and plugins makes EVERY OTHER similar package look inferior. Ive looked at MT plugins and themes (extensively) — guess what WP has more, hundreds more.