• Hi!
    Today I marked a comment as spam by accident, and I really need to get it back (or at least read it!). What do I do?
    Im using WP 2.0.1 and I don’t have any plugins whatsoever for spam.

    I would be happy for any kind of help!

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  • Here’s what to do.

    Open phpmyadmin
    Find your database
    Click the name of the db so all the tables open on the right
    Find the _comments table
    Click the first box along from the word _comments (if you hover it, the word ‘Browse’ will appear
    All the comments will appear
    Now, loon to the top right above the table, it will sat ‘Page Number:’
    In the drop down box, go to the last page.

    This has the most recent comments.

    Find the comment

    Click the pen icon on the same line

    Some tables will appear

    One table will have the word ‘Spam’ in it

    Delete that word and put a single number 1 there instead

    Click Go.

    The comment should then be recovered.


    Alternately – and much much easier, install this:

    and that will also allow you to get it ??


    Using the phpmyadmin (or any other admin app) method above, setting ‘Spam’ to 0 (zero) instead of 1 (one) will mark the comment as ‘awaiting approval’.

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