• I searched the support section quite a bit and cant find anything that works for WordPress 2 (2.0.1 specifically). Basically, I want to have a listing of our upcoming events on the homepage. I want to use the date, time-stamp to show ONLY future and current events on that page, and then remove them from the homepage.

    The WordPress documentation says “All posts dated in the future will not appear on the site until that time has passed.” Is there anyway to change this behavior? (that works for WP2?)

    I’ve tried several, but cant find a solution that works…. any suggestions?

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  • There are a couple of plugins that would help achive this, event calendar being one that comes to mind.

    Thread Starter californiafox


    I installed it and it only seems to work for users who are logged in. Is there something I am missing with this plugin?

    I can get the posts to show up on the Index page, and on the date archives, but the permalinked -more- pages error out with a 404 when people click on them who are not logged in. Any ideas?

    I would also like to know how to list future posts.
    I made a category called ‘Events’ when I was using Event Calendar, then I decided to delete Event Calendar (too many errors using it).
    I still have the Events category, and I found a different calendar (error free) which displays my Events. Now I just want to list these Event links underneath the calendar.

    Here is my site, to get an idea.

    I’m using WP 2.0.3

    Any help would be appreciated.

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