• Resolved childrensfitness


    I have a question about the Blue Horizons Word Press Theme. You can view it at:
    Does any of the experts out there know how I can take out the small verticle lines between the top links on the blue nav bar. For some reason, I don’t like them there, but cannot figure out how to remove them. You will see what I mean if you go to the link. Thanks for any help.

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  • Looks like it’s a graphic, icon.gif maybe.

    it’s a 1 pixel border in “#hnav ul li a” in the stylesheet

    remove the following line from the above section (approx. line 266)

    border-right: 1px solid #F2EEEC;

    (make a backup copy of style.css beforehand)

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thanks vkaryl and neon for your post. Neon, you were correct. It blows me away at how great some people are at coding. What took me hours to try and figure out with no outcome could be figured out in minutes by someone. Thanks again.

    welcome, childrensfitness. Give it a week, you’ll be an expert. ??

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Well, don’t know if I will be an expert, but I will try. While I have your attention, can I ask two more questions.

    1. I can’t figure out how to personalize the About link (under pages header on right side) on the page. There is no .php file that matches it. The file name is: ?page_id=2

    2. In IE, why is the top nav bar distorted. It is too wide. In FF, it is perfect.

    Thanks to Neon or anyone that can help. Going to bed. I am on the east coast of the US, and just exhausted from shoveling 2 feet of snow.

    I *think* the Pages in wp are stored in the database, sort of “uber-posts”. Try going to Manage/Pages, see if you can edit the About Page there.

    vkaryl is correct, the About page is in the admin panel in Manage/Pages. Any pages you create, like About, Contact, etc., will go in that column.

    As for the navbar being distorted, I tested the theme and it seems fine. Have you made any changes in the css stylesheet or the header? Click on the validation link (Valid XHTML) in the sidebar and see what errors it shows.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Okay….thanks. Yes, it was in ‘manage’, then, ‘pages’. As far as the header, the original seems wider in IE,not in FF. This is even before I started working on it. Compare the two. Go to the original, untouched at:
    Click on the blue horizons theme link. When you view it in IE, the blue nav bar is too wide. In FF, it is perfect. This theme has not been edited yet. It is very frustrating. Does anyone know why this is happening?

    Childrensfitness, rather than the width, do you perhaps mean the height of the navbar? I’ll have a look after work this evening, if no one steps up before then. Gotta run and pay the rent. ??

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Hey Neon:
    Yeah, my bad. I meant the height. We’ll, I can attribute that to sleep deprevation and newborns in the house. Thanks for looking at it. I will check back in later to see if you can fix the ‘height’ of the nav bar.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Neon…..I like this theme, but as I look at the right panel where there is the other nav system (links, catagories, archives etc.) for the page, they view very differently in IE and FF. Does this matter?

    I don’t think it should matter terribly, childrensfitness. At least half the web looks different in IE than in other browsers. If it bothers you too much, just switch over to a different theme. Regarding the thicker blue navbar in IE, I had the same problem about four years back and for the life of me can’t remember what I did to resolve it, sorry. There is something definitely a bit off here, but I just can’t put my finger on it. Just slap a big ol’ “Best viewed in Firefox” logo on there somewhere, lol.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Out of curiousity, what theme do you like?

    childrensfitness, I currently use a very aptly named veryplaintxt by Scott Wallick. If you like a bit more colour, he also has the plaintxtCMS theme. I only just got back to WP after a bit of a sabbatical. Busy life, what can I say. My all time favorite has been the mx4 theme, especially the new version, based on Blix. I do also like very much some of the new renditions of the K2 theme.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thanks Neon for all your help. I will look at these themes now.

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