• I know that I can either (1) turn off ‘anybody can register’ and create logins individually/manually OR (2) turn on ‘anybody can register’ and let any stranger register to my blog. however is it possible to moderate and approve each registration, similar to comment moderation? It would be a wonderful addition to wordpress. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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  • Very useful… my site is for a ‘closed’ community and this would sort out a lot of issues!



    Anyone have a solution for this?

    Tom Lany


    I have a desire for this feature, too. I have been searching for a couple of weeks for a plugin that does registration moderation. I can’t find anything that works. I found a plugin called AuthOnly at:
    You can change the default user profile (when the user signs up) so that these new users don’t have the ability to read the site. It didn’t seem to work well for that purpose, though. It seems to be designed to create different administration roles, not as password protection. It’s a good start, though.

    Tom Lany


    Could someone please forward this on to the Word Press developers, so that the idea will be considered when they put together the code for the next version of Word Press? I don’t think that it is high priority, but it would be nice to see this feature added. I think many users would benifit.

    Tom Lany


    One other thnig that came to mind. Could the script for comment moderation be used for this?

    I’m thinking something like that in combination with this plugin:


    might do it. With the plugin one can set Registered to have no capabilities, though it may be better to create a new role with no caps and set that as the new user default role under Options > General. Then with at least “Comment author must have a previously approved comment” set, it should lock new users out of everything until you change their role.

    Tom Lany


    Kafkaesqui, I tried that on my blog. By the way, sorry that I forgot to post the link. I posted the Authority Plugin link, but not the Role Manager one.

    The problem seemed to lie in the authority plugin. The roll manager is real cool. You can change the default roll of a user so that they can’t view the site by default. When I tried this with the AuthOnly plugin, an error message was displayed immediatly after login saying that they didn’t have permission to view that page. The user was still allowed to wander throughout the site after they loged in, despite the original deturant. They could go to the index, for instance, which they wern’t allowed to do prior to the login, because of the AuthOnly plugin. From there, they could go anywhere on the site. I have also tried this with another authorization plugin by Angsuman https://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/angsumans-authenticated-wordpress-plugin-password-protection-for-your-wordpress-blog/.
    I didn’t have luck using the two together, either. This plugin looks good, too.

    I think that we have some good starting places, but connecting the dots will be hard. Any ideas on how to do this? Possibly an updated code for a password protection utility of some sort?

    Tom Lany


    So essentially there is no solution.

    Tom Lany


    Well, I think a solution can be reached, but to my knowledge, it hasn’t been. I want a solution to be found, as my blog is provate and being able to allow new registrations, without letting the registrant on would be a powerful feature.

    I found a solution that worked for me. Instead of having the email with the username and password be sent to the registrant, I tweaked it so that it comes to me. If I want to approve the user I then just forward the email on to the user. Here is a summary of what I changed:

    In wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php

    I changed this function on line 427 or so from this:

    wp_mail($user_email, sprintf(__(‘[%s] Your username and password’), get_settings(‘blogname’)), $message);

    To this:

    wp_mail(‘webmaster@mydomain’, sprintf(__(‘[%s] Your username and password’), get_settings(‘blogname’)), $message);

    So the user does not get their username and password without me sending it to them. This could probably be turned into a plugin pretty easily…and would do it when I have some time.

    Tom Lany


    Thanks kwestin, I think that this might work for me, too (temporarly). For a large number of sign-ups, registration moderation would still be best.

    You will need to also edit the forgot password function as well, so that any password reset requests go through you as well.

    Tom Lany


    I am thinking about adding registration moderation as a feature request to Trac. Before I did so, I wanted to see if other people found it worthy of such.

    This probably would be overkill for some people, but it is an alternative solution to the question in point. I guess it would depend on just how much you want this feature.


    By using this system combination, you can set the method of user registration that you want. This system takes over for the standard WP registration.

    You can either:
    – Allow immediate registration

    – Allow registration upon email verification
    (user must click a link to activate their account)

    – Approve each registration

    – Turn off registration all together

    You can always add a new member manually,
    regardless of the level of registration.

    Ok, so this plugin requires 2 more pieces of software (free), but it comes down to how much you want this feature.

    In addition it opens up a lot more as well.

    This system also comes with captcha (image verification) for the guestbook that comes with the portal.

    With this in mind, it’s currently in early development for an additional mod for users using this combination where they can add the ability for the image verification to be used in the comments submission as well.

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