Just a rant, personally, but I think the people at WP need to know that their partnering with Yahoo has not been as great as everyone made it out to be. When I let Yahoo install WP 2.0 for me, it basically broke everything. Misdirected permalinks, no comment notifcation, lost posts (all this after I imported my old databse into my new install). They REQUIRE that you install your blog into a directory, which makes for extremely long permalinks, and they have very little support for PHP or SQL. One of the reasons I went with Yahoo Hosting was their 24-hour telephone support, but when you call, half the people don’e even know what WordPress is. They told me once that I had to contact the maker of the software for issues with it, even though Yahoo was the once who installed the software.
I tried Yahoo’s 2.0 (beta, by the way, not even the full release yet) for two weeks before I deleated their install and re-installed Duke on my own. Since then, everything has worked like a charm.
Other than this one software issue, I’ve NEVER had any trouble with Yahoo’s hosting — I just think they should have spent a little more time working out the kinks of this partnership and educating their customer service reps before claiming to fully support WP.