• Even posts that have comments attached to them, the comment count is zero. Is there any way, short of adding a comment to each post and removing it to refresh the count, to have wordpress re-count the comments for each post?

    Site is here.



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  • Try emptying the cache. This is a common problem that may or may not be resolved by clearing the cache. Some people reported this to happen after importing posts, but others just saw this behaviour after a simple upgrade.

    i had the same problem and fixed it in mine:

    I have the same problem.So I have re-open that thicket (ticket 2159) because
    it works only when you re-edit a comment and re-save it, then it start count again. So lets wait and see what the devolopers do about it… Greetings

    It’s a known issue. I have seen it at least 4 times and I don’t even hang around the forums much. I can’t change the severity of bug reports and I believe that improper count is not ‘critical’ or ‘major’. It will be fixed shortly, I hope.

    I’m having the same issue; comment counts seem not to update (although the behavior is sporadic). “Editing” a comment correctly updates the count, but certainly this isn’t an ideal fix.

    I believe it’s being worked on and has maybe been resolved already. I should only point out that several people resolved the problem by disabling SpamKarma or upgrading to version 2.1 (of SpamKarma, not WordPress).

    Don’t forget to install the plugin for SK, too.
    This thread is good.

    Ive upgraded to SK2.1 Beta & the WP2Compatability plugin. Still no fix ??

    2.1 Beta haven’t fix the comment_count field, for now you need to use wp2 compatability plug-in, also the compatability plug-in is to place in SK2/sk2_plugins folder.

    And also, the plug-in will not fix the comment_count that already came in, it will only fix the comment_count after install the fix.

    marginwalker, be sure the compatibility plugin is enabled from the Spam Karma options page.
    I’ve heard in some instances you have to run comments through the compatibility plugin to get them counted. But I haven’t tried this (because I didn’t need to), so it may or may not work for you.

    I have it enabled.

    On your Spam Karma dashboard go to “approved commentes”
    Select all the comments, and in the filter section select “run selected entries” through and select the “wp2-compatibiltiy” plugin. Click “run selected entries.”

    I don’t know if this works, but I’ve heard of people having success with this method.

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