• Hi, i am trying to delete old posts from my site but i am having serious problems. I am using pro cloudflare but this happens if i have cloudflare activated or paused. if i try and delete more than 50 posts at a time then i get a 524 error

    A timeout occurred Error code 524

    Visit cloudflare.com for more information.

    2024-04-01 12:27:52 UTC

    cany anyone please give me advice. i have also tried using wp bulk delete and it still has the same problem

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  • Error 524 is a Cloudflare-specific error code (ie not a standard HTTP response code). This generally means Cloudflare is able to connect to your hosting server, but does not receive a response to a request (time out).

    Since you’re executing bulk actions, it’s likely you’re hitting some PHP limit on your hosting server: maybe OOM (out of memory), maybe PHP timeout, or something else.

    Pause Cloudflare. https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/setup/manage-domains/pause-cloudflare/

    With Cloudflare paused properly, your site may still be broken… but you shouldn’t see Error code 524 or the Cloudflare error page.

    Instead, you should see some other error message directly from your website/hosting server. This is what you need to act on. (NB: You may have to check tour server’s error logs or turn on WordPress debugging.)

    Thread Starter websitefix


    i have paused it and still getting 524 error

    What’s the URL?

    Thread Starter websitefix


    i am now getting the below. the url is in2town.co.uk

    Request Timeout

    This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase ‘Connection Timeout’.

    Well, the error message pretty much sums it up and tells you what to do.

    Try increasing your PHP executing time (max_execution_time).

    If you’re running Apache, you can do something like this to your .htaccess file:

    php_value max_execution_time 300

    Or put something like this in your WordPress configuration file wp-config.php.


    Note that the number 300 shows the time limit in seconds (ie 5 minutes). Change this as necessary.

    Thread Starter websitefix


    thank you for the advice. i have tried what you have suggest. i have put the value into my htaccess file. my hosting company have said it is down to my php limits on my hosting plan. i am on cloud professional https://support.hostinger.com/en/articles/6976044-parameters-and-limits-of-hosting-plans

    are they correct. i cannot even delete 50 posts at a time without getting errors.

    Is also worth checking if your host is using a firewall or something like outgoing connection blocker. Woocommerce’s checkout can develop this issue that way. Legit CDN and hosting server IPs get blocked and Cloudflare times out while the host fails.

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