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  • Sweet.

    Oh fantastic! Thanks so much ??

    What am I missing… What does RC stand for?

    Moderator James Huff


    RC = Release Candidate

    Gosh. That’s a fast-track jump from beta 2 to RC1!

    Didn’t even realize there was the “big” bump. There ought to be a little visual and/or auditory “Whoopee!” when it does that ??

    To paraphrase Thomas Stearns…

    “It begins not with a bang, not even a whimper.”

    Sweet! ??

    Awesome! I can’t wait to see the new themes for WordPress 2.0!

    I followed the instructions to the letter, and the upgrade worked just fine for a while, but just today I started getting this error when trying to log into the dashboard:

    “Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
    Request header field is missing colon separator.

    { return Object.extend.apply(this; wordpressuser_f2b477e21f07a8df743348579280dbb9=dcharti; wordpresspass_f2b477e21f07a8df743348579280dbb9=a87de363b83855194dcbb5d732a28c08″

    I’m new to some of this database stuff so forgive me, but: I used phpMyAdmin to check my database and found some kind of warning on my options table, something along the lines of “2 clients are either logged in or not finished” or something like that. I ran a repair on the database and the error disappeared.

    My blog is still accessible: but I still can’t log in or get to the system. I can even post using an external client, like my Dashboard widget.. this is really confusing. I’ve already tried replacing all the files (besides my config and content folders). Any thoughts are much appreciated!

    Update: I cleared the cache in my browser (Safari) and tried logging in and got in just fine. I went to edit a post, and once i tried to save the changes I received that error again. I’m starting to wonder if maybe something went wrong with my user name in the database?

    Awesome! I can’t wait to see the new themes for WordPress 2.0!

    NOOOO! Does that mean the new version abandoned the template structure again, less than a year after the last time? Shades of Bill Gates….

    Does that mean the new version abandoned the template structure again, less than a year after the last time?


    No, templates (i.e. themes) in WordPress 2 are pretty much the same, and almost all 1.5.x themes will work with 2. But there have been improvements theme developers can take advantage of, which I imagine is what CarLBanks is looking forward to.

    Never mind, I answered the question for myself with a testblog install. (And by again, I meant the change at about v1.2 when all the old styles became obsolete.)

    So, now that I’ve upgraded that testblog and can’t login to it anymore…how long before questions will be accepted on this version?

    Old styles obsolete? Really? I still use them on some of my sites, along with the old style-switcher “plugin”. Works fine on the classic theme (which so far is still in 2.0RC1).

    “To paraphrase Thomas Stearns…”

    You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard TS Elliot referred to this way…

    (Obligatory On-Topicness: The Devs would have thousands of very angry folks if this version suddenly broke all the themes. Very angry.)

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