• Resolved SydneyAHarris


    I am trying to download the most recent backup files from UpdraftPlus to my local hard drive, and most of them are working properly. I have managed to download the database, plugins, themes and “others,” but for some reason when I try to get “uploads” I run into a 502 error.

    I click “uploads” to start downloading, and all 3 archives in the set appear to download fine from GoogleDrive, where they are being stored, but then when I click “download to computer” the white screen of death appears. I’ve tried an older backup just to make sure nothing wonky is going on in the most recent files, but the same thing happens with the older files as well…. Could this be a GoogleDrive problem, or is it a problem with Updraft? WordPress? Something else? Any help would be much appreciated as this is currently the only thing standing in my way of transferring my site to a new web host!


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  • Plugin Author David Anderson



    Try download directly from Google Drive – https://drive.google.com. It’s most likely either your webserver or Internet Service Provider has a proxy that is interfering and doesn’t play well with large downloads from a WP dashboard.


    Thread Starter SydneyAHarris


    Thanks David,

    Yep I went and downloaded directly from GoogleDrive and I think you’re right- they were just very big files. Chrome or Drive was also giving a “too big to scan” warning message before allowing the download which may have been causing the hiccup. Anyway, all resolved!

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