501 Method Not Implemented – PUT
I am trying to update a product, however, I receive a 501 method not implemented. I have no security plugins installed on my website. I have disabled mod security. What else can I try?
PUT https://www.XX.com/wc-api/v3/products/3198?stock_quantity=0&consumer_key=XX&consumer_secret=XX
Authorization: Basic Y2tfNGNmYzU4MWM2ZTNhNGQ2YzM4Mjc5ZTAwM2VmYzc0ZDFlYjhjM2U1YTpjc19jMTM3NGRhYmVhNWY2YTlhZDdmMmMzYjBiMzBkN2UyNDg1M2RiYTUx
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Host: https://www.XX.com
Content-Length: 34
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive{“product”: {“stock_quantity”:0} }
HTTP/1.1 501 Method Not Implemented
Date: Sat, 28 May 2016 15:45:59 GMT
Server: Apache
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
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