This advice on removing w3 total cache from their plugin support forum may help:
If you need to manually remove W3 Total Cache, here are the steps to take:
1. Remove the WordPress drop-ins: Depending on what caching types were active, you may see advanced-cache.php, object-cache.php, and/or db.php in your wp-content directory. You should delete these.
2. Delete w3-total-cache plugin folder: Delete /wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/ to deactivate the plugin itself. You won’t lose your settings by doing this, don’t worry.
3. Edit your wp-config.php file: If page caching was active, you should see a line in your wp-config.php file that contains the following text: define(‘WP_CACHE’, true); — you can carefully delete this line, and it’s recommended that you make a backup of this file before doing so.
4. Edit your .htaccess file: For sites running the Apache web server, W3 Total Cache writes rules in the .htaccess file based on your settings. These rules sit between sections that say “# BEGIN W3TC [caching type]” and “# END W3TC [caching type]” — you can carefully delete these sections, and it’s recommended that you make a backup of this file before doing so.