500 internal server error google cannot crawl website
My website is www . swimbikerun . ph
Hi everyone hope you can help me out I’m losing sleep over this
Right now my website is not being indexed by google ??
In the webmaster tools, nothing is wrong with DNS Server, Connectivity, and Robots fetch. All has the green check sign
But I’m getting A LOT of crawl errors and when I crawl any of the links or the main site, it says the website is unreachable
The XML and robots.txt are doing just fine without any errors.
I can also browse and edit the site freely but I can’t crawl / fetch / or render any of it in webmaster tools.
Is it from the server side?
I also made a brand new htaaccess and tried disabling all the plugins but it’s still not working
All other sections of my website are working (forum, online shop from different wordpress installs) only the main site is not working
The forum , online shop (also wordpress) are also hosted in the same server and is working properly and can be crawled by google. It is only www . swimbikerun . ph that cannot be crawled.
Right now the site cannot be seen on google. Also on the W3C validator it’s returning a 500 error
“I got the following unexpected response when trying to retrieve <https:// www. swimbikerun. ph/>:
500 Internal Server Error
If you made recent changes to your domain name (DNS) configuration, you may also want to check that your domain records are correct, or ask your hosting company to do so.
You can choose to validate the received error document for example if the URL intentionally points to one (there is also a “Validate error pages” option in the options view for this purpose).”Hope you guys can help me. I researched and tried everything possible.
I disabled all plugins and checked it’s still not being crawled.
I renewed the hatches
check site maps
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