• Hey,

    I installed the latest version of WordPress (2.7) and added various plugins:

    – All in One SEO Pack
    – Contact Form 7
    – Gravatar
    – Limit Posts
    – Members Only
    – Stray Random Quotes

    I have news stories listed on the front, lots of categories and about 100 posts maximum.

    My site kept on getting ‘500 Internal Server Errors’, I emailed my host and they said it’s because I’m using too much of the servers resources. Thing is it’s only ME using the site at the moment. Here is what my host said (I changed my URL to X):


    Your domain x.org is working fine at the moment. The reason of 500 error is that your scripts are using more resource than we allow on budget servers. As per our AUP at https://resellerzoom.com/aup.shtml, we are restricting the resource usage of the users scripts to maintain servers’ stability. Budget resellers may not use more than 1% CPU daily, 3% memory daily, run more than 5 simultaneous processes, allow any process to run for longer than 15 seconds CPU time, run any process that consumes more than 10% of available CPU at any time, or run any process that consumes more than 16 MB of memory. Databases are limited to 8 max user connections with a max query time of 5 seconds. Cron jobs must not execute more than once every hour and will be niced to 15 or greater. If the script consumes more than the resource limit, then the website may shows 500 error. Please see some of your resource log entries.

    Wed Dec 31 06:27:26 2008: ‘/usr/php4/bin/php ‘ (Exe: php [/usr/php4/bin/php], Script: ‘/home/x/public_html/members/wp-admin/post.php’, Domain: https://www.x.org, Request: ‘/members/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=5’, Accessed from: – of moneymak using 19.7734375 MB memory
    Wed Dec 31 06:27:54 2008: ‘/usr/php4/bin/php ‘ (Exe: php [/usr/php4/bin/php], Script: ‘/home/x/public_html/members/wp-admin/post.php’, Domain: https://www.x.org, Request: ‘/members/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=5&_wp_original_http_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.x.org%2Fmembers%x-x-x.htm&message=1’, Accessed from: – of moneymak using 19.7734375 MB memory
    Wed Dec 31 06:53:50 2008: ‘/usr/php4/bin/php ‘ (Exe: php [/usr/php4/bin/php], Script: ‘/home/x/public_html/members/index.php’, Domain: https://www.x.org, Request: ‘/members/x-x.htm’, Accessed from: – of x using 17.8203125 MB memory
    Wed Dec 31 06:54:05 2008: ‘/usr/php4/bin/php ‘ (Exe: php [/usr/php4/bin/php], Script: ‘/home/x/public_html/members/index.php’, Domain: https://www.x.org, Request: ‘/members/x-x-x-x-x-x.htm’, Accessed from: – of x using 17.734375 MB memory
    Wed Dec 31 06:54:51 2008: ‘/usr/php4/bin/php ‘ (Exe: php [/usr/php4/bin/php], Script: ‘/home/x/public_html/members/wp-admin/post.php’, Domain: https://www.x.org, Request: ‘/members/wp-admin/post.php’, Accessed from: – of x using 19.6953125 MB memory
    Wed Dec 31 06:57:46 2008: ‘/usr/php4/bin/php ‘ (Exe: php [/usr/php4/bin/php], Script: ‘/home/x/public_html/members/index.php’, Domain: https://www.x.org, Request: ‘/members/x-x-x.htm’, Accessed from: – of xusing 16.07421875 MB memory

    Please optimize your scripts and databases so that it uses resources within the limit. Let us know if we can help you any further.

    Is this normal for my host to have these problems?
    Could it be a plugin playing up?
    What should I do?

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