500 error after upgrade WordPress multisite
I upgraded from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2 and I had some redirect 310 error problems. This was solved by modifying the network admin.php
Then I noticed something very strange. All my websites are there except one. I get a 500 error.
What I understand is that WordPress multisite works as follow. The website on the network should be pointed to the ip of the Multisite WordPress installation.
When I type in the URL of the the website in the browser, the computer looks it up in the DNS servers. The registrar dns tells it, that it lives on the IP of the WordPress multisite installation. My computer gets send to that IP adress, my webserver directs me to my WordPress multisite installation and the WordPress multisite looks into database which blog to serve.
But somewhere I now get a 500 error for one of the websites on the multisite Wordpess.
Where should I look at?
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