• I got nothing on my last post. I’ll try again.

    When I open /wp-admin/install.php – the file is there, but it opens in notepad as code. Why does that happen, and how can I fix it.

    Reading through that code, it says that my wpconfig file can not be found. That seems to be a common problem, but I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. My hosting service created a username, x.babygotbooks.com, they set up a database that they call x_babygotbooks_com, they assigned me a password xxx, and the server is clearly designated as localhost. My edit to my wpconfig looks like this:

    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘x_babygotbooks_c’); // The name of the database
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘x.babygotbooks.com’); // Your MySQL username
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘xxx’); // …and password
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value


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  • deleted

    Thread Starter tfrederick


    Sorry for the confusion. I have an existing blog, which you have a screen capture of. I edit it and post from Blogger. I am now trying to install WP, import my Blogger blog over to WP, and get rolling. I have not been able to follow the install.php text to complete the installation of WP, so I have not seen any kind of WP control panel that alerts me that I have been successful.

    OK I was confused, sorry bout that, disregard my prior statements.

    BTW, I was going to say it looked rather bloggerish but then people have been adapting some of Douglas Bowmans layouts for WP

    Thread Starter tfrederick


    Rats. OK, so my problem then is this, how do I get install.php to open in my browser (not text editor) so that I can complete installation.

    I got it to open in my browser, you have to copy link location into a new browser window, then hit go, if this does not work, you have to choose open with go to program files choose mozilla firefox and it will open.

    Here it is open in a screen shot, notice it tells you to clear all data base tables first and then it should do a couple of steps and it should be done.

    Thread Starter tfrederick


    Dawg – Thanks for the tip. That worked. I am sure that I will be back to these support pages soon. Thanks for staying with me.

    No problem, glad it helped.

    Thread Starter tfrederick


    Spoke to soon: I am having an ongoing problem with the install.php. In short, I can’t get it to open correctly in my browser to complete the installation. When I go to the URL https://babygotbooks.com/wp-admin/install.php I have to choose to have firefox open the PHP file, which then apparently downloads to my C: drive (see screenshot in dawgs post above) and there is lots of gibberish on the page in addition to the text. What is going on?

    tfrederick, did you upload the .php files as ASCII or binary? It DOES matter…. php files need to be uploaded as ASCII, not binary.

    Thread Starter tfrederick


    Um, I just uploaded them. How would I know how they were uploaded?

    Thought it was resolved, try this link and then check your chmod attributes

    https://babygotbooks.com/wp-admin/ This should bring you to your dashboard but in your case it does not.

    To be honest I would start from scratch, delete everything make sure you have a clean fresh new upload and then upload it. This maybe a much quicker resolve but still check chmod.

    This is resolved.
    Tricky info from host + directory confusion.

    Thread Starter tfrederick


    Thanks, Podz.

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