5.9.2 errors
After the 5.9.2 update, I get a lot of broken Javascript errors. The errors are in the advanced-accordion.
Hi kleb123,
Greetings. Hope you are doing well.Regarding your query, I checked the issue with the updated version 5.9.2 but couldn’t find any Javascript errors in EA Advanced Accordion.
It would be great if you could share any screenshot/screencast of the issue or the reproduce process so that I can check and assist you further. Also, you can share the site health.
Thanks and Regards.
HTTP status code
404 Not found
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This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by
I am having trouble getting the updated plugin to function. It locks up my site and I get this error:
Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 153 of the file /home/mbipmsdo/public_html/sarrahhussain/wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/includes/Traits/Admin.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Class “PriyoMukul\WPNotice\Utils\CacheBank” not found in /home/mbipmsdo/public_html/sarrahhussain/wp-content/plugins/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite/includes/Traits/Admin.php:153-
This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by
jfairman. Reason: need updates
Hi kleb123,
Greetings. Hope you are doing well.We are sorry about the inconvenience caused. It seems strange actually as we haven’t been able to reproduce this issue from our end.
Can you please provide us your Site Health Information from?Dashboard > Tools > Site Health > Info > Copy site info to clipboard and share the URL of your site?
And simply just paste it here. This will help us to reproduce this issue on our end. For reference please check this screenshot –?https://d.pr/i/KDbAny
Thank you!
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one of the pages with js error (accordion)
Hi @kleb123,
Hope you are doing well. Thanks for sharing the site health information and the page URL. I have checked the issue, but I didn’t get any error messages. You can check this screencast.
@kleb123 and @jfairman, Please check once with the latest version plugin of Elementor and Essential Addons. Hope you will not face any issues.
Let us know how it goes. Thanks!
Hi, After the latest update (5.9.10) I again encounter a lot of JS errors related to the accordion.
Could you please check this?
This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by
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