• For those of you having problems with 5.4 submit not working, I found the problem, as least as far as my site goes.

    5.4 seems to have a problem with ReCaptcha. I turned off the ReCpatcha integration in the integrations area of CF7 and all forms starting submitting.

    Hope this helps folks.

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  • @interfool Good evening Interfool,
    First of all Thank You so much for sharing the “solution”.
    Unfortunately this is not a real solution, but a temporary workaround. It is absolutely unthinkable to use a form without a minimum of protection and google recapctha is one of the most valid systems. I believe the plugin author can fix the highlighted problem as soon as possible.
    The problem is NOT related only to the use of recapchta integrated in the contact form. For example, if you use plugins from other parties (such as Invisible Recaptcha) also in this case you will have to disable it to make sure that everything come back to work as expected.
    This confirms the fact that there must be something interfering with google recapthca regardless of the method applied.
    Peace out

    Have you checked if you are using latest version of reCaptcha?

    Same issue here with the submit just endlessly spinning but sending the email. I’m using the latest version of Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha.

    When reverted CF7 back to 5.3.2, everything works.




    Hi there,

    there is still an issue with invisible recaptcha plugins which worked before:

    It’s the same with both plugins. Since CF7 version 5.4 the form validation isn’t working properly. For example when you not fill in required fields and press send, the page is reloading instead of showing error messages :).


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