• Resolved joefletcher


    I’ve got a custom field called ArticleLink for each post where I put in the original URL of an article that I’m blogging about. I’ve enabled it to show up in my posts on my blog, but I also want it to show up in my RSS feed.

    I’m a XML newbie, but I read somewhere that any RSS element has to comply with RSS 2.0 specifications. This would be a <item> element. So, I don’t know if I can do “ArticleLink” as the custom field name unless it’s referenced in a NameSpace somewhere. (I have no idea how to do this, much less get it up set up in WordPress).

    I would consider any kind of work around. Would using Enclosure, Source, or Excerpt or something else work? (although I wouldn’t want to mess with those if I didn’t have to) Does Enclosure HAVE to point to a media file and/or does Source HAVE to point to an XML file? I can change the custom field name to something else if it helps. So, I guess my real goal here is to get a URL into an RSS feed.

    (I would have thought other people would want to do the same thing, but I haven’t seen it in any of the forum posts.)

    BTW, I’m using WP

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  • Using an enclosure would not be prudent here, since it’s intended use *is* for (binary) media content. Same issue arises with <source> (yep, an XML resource). Not a good idea to commandeer elements in a syndication format for ones own needs. For the most part they each have a very specific, specialized purpose.

    I might be able to suggest or code a solution if I had an idea where in the feed you’d be fine with “ArticleLink” appearing, and how. Do you want it to replace an item’s <link> element, or perhaps append it to the post content (in a <a> element)?

    Thread Starter joefletcher


    Thanks for your advice and offer to help on this. Ideally, I’d like a new element to be created called ArticleLink (or whatever else). Since I don’t much about RSS specifications, I don’t know if that would help or not if it’s not in line with the specifications. But I would ideally like is to have a feed that has the item’s link, content, and a dedicated ArticleLink. I would then grab all of those and present them in my web site and also in email responders (I’m going to try this with PHPlist). I’d be fine with the ArticleLink appearing any where in the feed.

    If that’s not possible or practical, then I guess I would settle for having it appended to the post content like you mention. But, would that get it to appear in the RSS feed as a separate element? Right now, I can get it to appear in my posts by sticking the custom field into the php code, but that doesn’t get it into the RSS feed. I’m thinking your suggestion would get it into the content element, but not separately?

    Having the article’s URL replace the <link> element would work if I still had access to the blog post link in some way through the RSS feed… maybe the <guid> would work for that? Is there a PermaLink that can be generated in the RSS feed? And would that modification not affect the blog site… just the RSS feed? (meaning, then my blog would still function the way it does now with permalinks and all that.)

    Thanks again!!!

    Providing a feed with it’s own custom element can be done, and fits in with the idea of XML in general. However, RSS as an XML schema has a very well-defined format, one in which you can’t just inject new tags into a feed and expect them to be recognized and acted upon. A syndication client coming across your element may provide an error, but more likely it would just ignore it.

    But I assume you want the ArticleLink displayed to your readers? One option, as I refer to above, is to replace the <link> content. That this happens to be the *permalink* to the entry may be an issue, but some sites do use it to link to the originating text.

    The <guid> is the unique identifier for an item; WordPress just happens to use the post’s permalink for it, but it doesn’t need to be that (it’s really just a string value). It also tends to be a non-displayed element within feed readers, so I don’t see it as an option here.

    So what are we left with? Really only <content>, which is freeform enough for us to make use of here. You might append your custom field to the post’s content, while still setting it apart in some fashion, say by prefixing “Article link: ” onto it and bracketing it all to denote a separation from content text, like for example:

    [Article link: https://no.where/and/not-a-thing.html%5D

    With a full text feed the url can also be made into a link.

    A plugin would be easy to whip up that does what I’ve just described. And yes, it would aim itself only at the content within the feed.

    Thread Starter joefletcher


    Hi Kafkaesqui, thanks once again for your detailed attention to this. And I can tell I am priviledged to be talking to a real expert in this area. I’m just a newbie trying to do something advanced.

    Actually, I don’t want the ArticleLink to show up in RSS readers, but I want to have it available for other uses. In RSS readers, I want them to click on the blog post’s link to go to my blog. From there, they can read the description and click on the ArticleLink (which I’ve gotten to show up beneath my blog posts through a WP plugin I found). But I still need the ArticleLink because I will post that on my web site (which is separate from my blog) so that they can read the description and then click on the ArticleLink to go directly to the article.

    I’m thinking that replacing the <guid>’s value with the ArticleLink value can work. (For example, from <guid>https://website.com/articles/?p=10</guid&gt; to <guid>https://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/97/brand-spirit.html</guid&gt;). RSS readers will read the <link> as they normally do, and it will take them to the blog post. The <guid> will be not be displayed by the readers (right?). On my web site, I grab from the RSS feed the <description> and the <guid> (which has been transformed to the ArticleLink) and display those on the site. Does that make sense? And if so, do you know how to transform the guid?

    If the transforming the <guid> doesn’t work, I’ve also read about extending RSS using Modules and Namespaces… something like blogChannel:blink, except I think that particular one is for Channels and not Items. Is there an item module that would work (and not cause an error in readers)?

    If all you need is the ArticleLink value to be somewhere in the feed, <guid> is an option. This itty-bitty plugin assigns your custom field value to it:

    View source | Download plugin

    The plugin replaces the <guid> value in the RSS2 feed, and the <id> value in the Atom feed. RSS 0.9x doesn’t support guid, and I’m not sure offhand if RDF offers a similar element. So if you’re supporting these other two formats on your blog, we’d have to think of a different solution.

    To install download the zip, extract rss-unique-id.php, upload this to your wp-content/plugins/ directory, and activate RSS Unique ID under Plugins. The plugin has one variable to edit, $key, which is the custom field key the plugin looks for. It’s already set to ‘ArticleLink’…

    Thread Starter joefletcher


    Kaf, you’re a genius! I just installed it, and it’s working like a charm.

    I can’t even tell you how much time this will save me. I don’t plan to support anything but RSS2… since I’ll probably feed it into FeedBurner to take care of the other formats.

    You should put this plug-in on your site… I’m sure others will want the option to do it… frankly, I can’t believe I couldn’t find a pre-existing solution.

    Does this plugin still work. I tried it and the xml output for the link and guid remains the same as before

    Thread Starter joefletcher


    It works for me. Are using a custom field for your new link? My custom field is called ArticleLink, which is how I think it is set up in Kaf’s script.

    This seems like a great solution if you only need to post one link per post – but I would like to post more than one link, which of course isn’t compatible with <guid>, as it’s unique for each post. I’m looking for a way to attach 4 or 5 links to a post’s rss feed that don’t need to show up in the post itself, so that I can pull the links from the feed on one of my other websites. Any suggestions?

    tacitdynamite, sorry for the delay responding to your request (difficult to keep track of the 1000’s of threads I’ve replied to…).

    I have a plugin for just that issue; it appends custom fields to the end of a post’s feed content in various formats:


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