• Resolved Julie


    Hi David,

    I’ve been getting a 405 Not Allowed error when I try to Map All Rules, All Attachments Now in the MLA Settings Custom Fields tab:

    undefined (error), jqXHR( 405, Not Allowed,
    405 Not Allowed

    I’ve tried in both Firefox and Chrome, but got the same results.

    If I try the same operation on my local test install, I get a 500 Internal Server Error.

    I’m not sure when it started but I think it’s been 2-4 weeks. I tried enabling the Debug Tab and adjusting the settings to level 2, but I don’t see anything relevant:

    [04-May-2016 15:57:30 UTC] <strong>mla_fetch_gallery_template( default-arguments, markup )</strong> not found

    I’m hoping you can suggest some next steps.



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  • Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your report(s) and for including the error message and Debug results.

    I have just re-tested this on my system and it works for me. I regret that I cannot reproduce your symptoms on my system.

    To capture all of the possible debug information, go back to the Settings/Media Library Assistant Debug tab and set the MLA Reporting value to 255 or 0xFF.

    When you click the Map All Rules, All Attachments button, does the progress area open up? How far does it get?

    Have you tried the “Map custom field metadata” button in the Media/Assistant Bulk Edit area? That goes through a slightly different path and may log more debug information.

    It looks like it might be a jQuery library issue based on the jqXHR string in the error message. WordPress has made some changes in its libraries with the 4.5 release, and you might be loading the wrong library.

    If the above experiments do not yield more information, perhaps I can get temporary access to one of your servers and have a closer look. Feel free to email me with more information if you want to proceed offline.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Thanks for the tips, David!

    When you click the Map All Rules, All Attachments button, does the progress area open up? How far does it get?

    Sometimes it doesn’t get anywhere, sometimes it will go up to about 75% before failing, and anywhere in between.

    Before my initial report yesterday, I was reloading the Custom Fields tab after each error, then retrying. Afterwards, I retried the process, but when it failed, I tried clicking the Map All button without reloading the page first, thinking it might simply pick up where it left off. I noticed that each batch was being processed more quickly, but it still ended up giving me an error.

    So, I tried reducing the batch processing from 50 to 25, which seems to have helped, because after a few tries I was able to get to 100%.

    However, I haven’t been able to do it again since then — each process has continued to finish in error.

    I will do as you suggest and adjust the debug settings, look into how jquery is being loaded, and try the process from the Bulk Edit area. I’ll get back to you soon with an update.

    Thanks so much for your help!!

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hi David,

    I changed the debug settings to 255, then tried the Custom Fields mapping process from the Media Library Bulk Edit actions. Here’s the error I got on the Bulk Edit screen:

    An ajax.fail error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again. (error), jqXHR( 405, Not Allowed, <html> <head><title>405 Not Allowed</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <center><h1>405 Not Allowed</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx/1.10.0</center> </body> </html> )

    (Just a note that clicking Cancel doesn’t work once the operation fails.)

    And here’s what appeared in the debug log. I had to put it on pastebin because it’s too big to put here.

    I then tried the process again from the MLA Settings Custom Fields tab. It got to 37% before failing. So I opened the Web Developer Tools Debugger and under Sources, I see what I’m thinking are possibly jquery errors when I click on load-scripts.php, which you can also see on pastebin.

    Following your suggestion that a change to WordPress 4.5 might be causing this issue, I found this ticket which seems to have affected media, but I’m not sure if it’s related or not.

    Just FYI that I’ve also called my web host, but they weren’t able to find anything on their end.

    I hope this information is useful to you. Thanks again for your help!

    Thread Starter Julie


    Oops! I also wanted to mention that even after changing the debug settings to 255, nothing gets written to the debug log when attempting the process from the MLA Settings Custom Fields tab. It appears the debug log only gets written to when the process is initiated using Media Library Bulk Edit actions.

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thank you for all your testing and reporting. The debug log you put on Pastebin does not show anything out of the ordinary. As you discovered, the Settings Custom Fields tab does not produce any log messages, which is why I suggested trying the Bulk Edit area instead. I add debug messages as I investigate problems and I’ve never had any trouble with the Custom Fields tab.

    Either way, the MLA processing is similar. The AJAX portion of the process is quite simple and I do not see any MLA-specific reason for the problem you are having. All MLA does is put some message text in an object and hand it back to a WordPress function, wp_send_json_success().

    I will add some additional debug messages to a new MLA Development Version and upload it for you to try out. In the interim, I suggest you try another experiment if you have time and energy. Add (or modify) these statements in your wp-config.php file:

     * Several constants are used to manage the loading, concatenating and compression of scripts and CSS:
     * define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); loads the development (non-minified) versions of all scripts and CSS,
     *   and disables compression and concatenation,
     * define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression and concatenation of scripts and CSS,
     * define('COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression of scripts,
     * define('COMPRESS_CSS', false); disables compression of CSS,
     * define('ENFORCE_GZIP', true); forces gzip for compression (default is deflate).
    define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true ); // true
    //define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', true);
    //define('COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', true);

    You won’t see all of the above in your file; I use it to document the settings. At a minimum you can add define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true ); just above the That's all, stop editing! comment. That will change the way scripts are downloaded to the browser and may affect the behavior.

    I don’t think the ticket you found applies to this situation. The Backbone and Underscore files are used by the Media Manager Modal (popup) window that appears with the “Add Media…” button on the Edit Post/Page screens. The notice I saw was this one:

    jQuery Updates in WordPress 4.5

    I also looked into the nginx/1.10.0 reference in the error message, which appears to be the web server you are using:


    I don’t yet know if that’s relevant.

    I will post an update here when I have a new Development Version for you to try. Thanks for your help and your patience.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Thanks for all of that, David ??

    I just checked, and I’m loading version 1.12.3 of jquery and 1.4.0 of jquery-migrate, so that seems alright.

    I’ll make the config file changes and test some more within the next few days.

    Have a good weekend!

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    I have uploaded a new MLA Development Version dated 20160506 that has additional logging in the Bulk Edit logic and new logging in the IPTC/EXIF and Custom Field mapping logic. To get the Development Version, follow the instructions in this earlier topic:

    Shortcode not working in (special) widget

    It would be great if you can install the Development Version and let me know how it works for you. Of course, if any other problems emerge I want to know about them as well. Thanks for your continued work on this problem.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hi David,

    I added define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true ); to my config file and tried:

    1. Map All Rules, Attachments Now from the MLA Settings Custom Fields tab
    2. Mapping custom fields via the Media Library Assistant’s Bulk Edit action

    The operation failed from the Custom Fields tab (after 58%), but it worked using the Bulk Edit action (I display 60 images per page, and used the Select All check box). No script errors were written to the log in either case.

    Now I’ve installed the latest Development Version (dated 20160509 and not 20160506, so I hope that’s not an issue).

    The process still failed when trying to Map All Rules, All Attachment Now from the MLA Settings Custom Fields tab. I placed what appeared in the Debug Tab on pastebin.

    I then tried again from Page 2 of the Media Library Assistant, using the Select All check box with the Bulk Edit action. It succeeded, and I placed the log message on pastebin.

    I hope this is enough for you to go on for now. Let me know what you want me to try next. Thanks again ??

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for the additional testing and error log results. I looked through the logs, which look completely normal, and ran some experiments of my own. As luck would have it, I was able to reproduce the undefined (error), jqXHR( 500, Internal Server Error, ) error on my system. In my case, at least, the cause was PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded.

    In other words, the operation simply ran out of time. I was writing a lot of information to the log, which slows things down, and I had a batch size of 25 (I believe your batch size is 10).

    You can look at your PHP max_execution_time setting and try changing it by adding something like this to your wp-config.php file:

    @ini_set('max_execution_time','300'); // seconds, i.e., 5 minutes

    Before chasing that possibility, though, try changing your PHP reporting settings to see if there is some other data-related problem. On the MLA Debug tab change the PHP Reporting setting to 0x7fff, which will write PHP Notices to the log. Before you do that, let me know what the current “PHP error_reporting” setting shows.

    Finally, you wrote that the operation failed after 58% of the items were processed. Did you try refreshing the page (click on the Custom Fields tab) and trying again? Does it stop in the same place each time or make some additional progress?

    If you click “Cancel” in the lower left below the progress message you will get a “Resume” button and a text box. If you enter a number around or after the failure point you can skip over the first half of your items and speed things up. You might also skip past a bad item and complete the operation.

    Thanks for your persistence! Let me know if the above suggestions are helpful.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hi David,

    The current PHP error_reporting level is 0x0000. Should I go ahead and change it to 0x7fff?

    Finally, you wrote that the operation failed after 58% of the items were processed. Did you try refreshing the page (click on the Custom Fields tab) and trying again? Does it stop in the same place each time or make some additional progress?

    I had tried that a few times at first, but I didn’t try it the last time. I’ve tried again, this time increasing the batch size to 100. The first time it failed almost immediately. I tried to click Cancel, but nothing happened. So I reloaded the tab, tried again, and this time it started correctly, but only got to 12%. Clicking Cancel still didn’t do anything. I tried this over again one more time, and again it didn’t get anywhere, nor did the Cancel button work.

    I haven’t included a new paste of the debug log since it’s just more of the same. I’ll wait to hear back about the PHP reporting setting before continuing with your other suggestions. Thanks!

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your updates.

    Yes, you should enter 0x7fff in the “PHP Reporting” text box.

    The “Cancel” button won’t work after the error appears; it only works before the error is returned.

    You should reduce the batch size to 10 or 5 or 1, to localize the error. Try a small setting to see how far it gets, then try again, hit Cancel immediately and set the text box to a number higher than the “Complete:” number that appears above the error.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hi David,

    Ok, I changed the batch size to 1 and modified PHP Reporting as requested. Then I tried again from the Custom Fields tab, but it failed at 0%. Here’s a paste of the debug log. I suspect it’s still not very useful…

    So I clicked Map All again without refreshing the page, and this time it went up to 31% before failing (497 Completed). I again clicked Map All without refreshing the page, clicked Cancel, entered 498, and clicked Resume, which skipped the process ahead to 31% and began it again from there. I had to repeat this 5-6 times before getting to 100%, the Completed number increasing at irregular intervals each time.

    Next I made the recommended changes to the config file. Since I already had define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '400M'); I decided to do the same again and placed @ini_set('max_execution_time','400'); just below. I went back to the MLA Settings Custom Fields tab and tried Map All again. It only got to 14% before the error occurred again. I didn’t try Cancelling and Resuming again since we know that works.

    I don’t see anything different than the above paste in the debug logs for the last two tests, other than it being enormous (about 1Mb). Let me know if you would like me to create a pastebin for them anyway…

    Thanks for your dedication to this, David!

    Plugin Author David Lingren


    Thanks for your persistence and continued testing. You are welcome to create a pastebin for the additional log files.

    At this point it does not look like execution time is your problem; you can go back to a bigger batch size of 10 or 25 or whatever suits you. It also looks like MLA and WordPress are working properly and the problem lies elsewhere, perhaps in the server or database code. Both the server and the database components should have their own log files; can you or your host company look there?

    The other thing I can do is try to replicate your specific mapping rules, since I have a different set of rules on my system. It is a long shot but worth a try. I can get your rule settings from the log files I have.

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hi David,

    Ok, thanks for the info. I had to create several pastes of the last debug log since it was so big. Here’s the first, the second, the third, and the fourth.

    I’ll contact my host and see about getting the database and server logs, and get back to you soon with more details… But regardless how this turns out, at least now I know I can complete the operation by using the Cancel button ??

    Thank you so much for helping me troubleshoot this issue. I would have been lost without you!

    Thread Starter Julie


    Hi again,

    I found another error log that shows this:

    [11-Mar-2016 05:06:24 America/Toronto] PHP Fatal error: Class 'WP_Filesystem_Base' not found in /public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php on line 36

    That might be around the time the issue started so I thought I would include it just in case it’s relevant…

    Unfortunately my host, Bluehost, has been unhelpful in providing additional error logs. However, I was informed that a few months ago, nginx/Varnish was added/changed, or something. Sorry, but the rep didn’t know exactly when, nor exactly what, happened.

    Also, I just remembered something that could be important. The first few times I noticed 405 errors, I was running searches in the admin. It happened a few times while I was searching for images within the Media Library Assistant, and a few times while I was searching for redirects within the Redirection plugin’s logs. In both instances, using the browser’s back button and trying again usually worked, or if not, applying a filter to the search did. These issues lasted about a week, and then stopped. I haven’t experienced this in at least a few weeks, possibly more.

    So since we know the issue isn’t specifically with MLA, I don’t want to bother you with any further troubleshooting, though if you have suggestions for next steps I could try, I’ll gladly take them! ??

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