@nes – Native English Services
“It’s not a matter of looking into it.”
“It’s not a matter of a ‘claim’ when it’s in the TOS.”
??? Seriously? You’re the one who defines what’s a matter and what isn’t??
Come on!
As CFC states, 99% of users won’t ever read the TOS, and he’s 100% right.
This ‘not a matter of’ style is highly arrogant and pathetic.
And, as the WordFence article describes, “when you install the plugin it asks you to agree to a long agreement which includes parts of the GNU general public license. But at the end it also includes the following text (you have to scroll down to find it): (…)”
Practically this is malicious abuse of license documentation.
@joel James
If you’re a professional plugin author, you take responsibility of your plugin’s code quality and security, and this is ‘even more true’ if you’re partnering with other developers or simply outsource parts of the development.