Hello Team,
I did install this plugin and encountered exactly same bug or issue (error 404).
I know we are keen on everything automatic ?? but here ‘s a safe workaround in the meantime :
– first , deactivate the installed plugin if you still have error 404
– next step is to manually rename your filename wp-login.php to any crazy file names you can imagine (for example : shineforlove.php ).
note : before you do that, please move a copy of the original file wp-login.php using an FTP client to you local hard disk.
Make a backup of this wp-login.php before renaming.
– form your destop (local not online or on server),
within this new file (for example: shineforlove.php) , make a search of wp-login.php
– replace all wp-login.php by exactly the new file name you defined (in my case as example : shineforlove.php )
Note : Please note , file name is case sensitive !
– make sure to save this change.
– on server delete your existing wp-login.php using your FTP client
– Move your new file to the root folder of your wp website.
Test your new URL (example): https://www.mydomainename.com/shineforlove.php
Thanks to Brenda Baron (elegant theme), I am providing these advised steps.
Enjoy !