Hi there!
Same problem here, so thanks for the question and answer of course.
I’ve commented the marked line in woocs.php file and everything now works without console errors. Please note that I don’t have any price filter in my products lists, so I don’t need this js file to run.
Please disable my plugin and add Woocommrce price filter. result – https://share.pluginus.net/image/i20230619124552.png – Looks like woocommerce is accessing a non-existent plugin
I’m not sure I’ve well understood this, and I can’t verify in my website. I’ve tried to check the console in this storefront demo store after filtering products by price and I can’t find any console errors. Here’s an example page
I think that removing the price-filter-frontend.js from the enqueued files in your plugin is the only solution to fix this error, since this file has been removed from woocommerce. So can you please add this fix in the next FOX – Currency Switcher release?
This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by