Hi @dtamajon,
Thank you for providing us with additional information. Now, we are pretty sure that our previous suspicions were correct and the issue you have encountered is related to the custom server configuration.
To be more precise, I’ll explain briefly how the Cart Link mechanisms work – the plugin allows to create your own custom redirection URLs, e.g., example.com/test
, however, as you can see, this type of URL is reserved for WP page. This is why the plugin checks the URL matching and according to the results, it performs the defined actions when it detects the 404 for this particular URL (template_redirect
To cut the story short, Cart Link is not able to perform the operation because it executes the server’s 404 instead of the WordPress one. In order to make it work properly, the server needs to be configured to point the WP 404 when reaching the https://wordpress.litesolutions.es/not-found/, not the server’s one as it is done at the moment.
After the quick research we believe that the following instructions might be helpful in your case:
and you should try to change the:
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args =404;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
in your server setup.
Kind regards,