404 Error after save or post
I have run through all the posts in the forum regarding Post.php and 404 errors and tried them all, but none fixed my issue.
This site has been running well for about 3 months. I had not made any changes to it or installed any plug-ins recently.
I was writing a post and clicked save and continue editing. The screen refreshed to a 404 error in IE and a blank page in Firefox. I just figured it was my laptop or WIFI. The post did save in the drafts.
I restarted the WP-Admin, found the draft and then clicked publish. Same problem. Now whenever I do just about anything in the editor I have the same problem.
I have uninstalled my TinyMCE, my dashboard, Do Follow and earth tones plug-ins. I removed the Google Analytics code from the Header page. I pulled out some other edits I made to a text widget on the side bar (which were just adding a button for RSS fee). Nothing seems to solve the problem.
I also did a verify on my database and copied in new versions of post.php and post-new.php from the WP website, but I had never modified them anyway.
This problem is not life threatening, but certainly annoying and unproductive!
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