Oh now I understand what happened. ?? BPS makes some suggestions/recommendations for folder permissions settings, but not all Hosts allow these permission settings so on your website/Server/Host you cannot use 705 folder permssions for your root folder and MUST use 755 folder permissions for the root folder.
File and Folder Permissions Blue Read Me help button text
If your Host is using CGI, but they do not allow you to set your folder permissions more restrictive to 705 and file permissions more restrictive to 604 then most likely when you change your folder and file permissions they will automatically be changed back to 755 and 644 by your Host or you may see a 403 or 500 error and will need to change the folder permissions back to what they were before. CGI 705 folder permissions have been thoroughly tested with WordPress and no problems have been discovered with WP or with WP Plugins on several different Web Hosts, but all web hosts have different things that they specifically allow or do not allow.
Most Hosts now use 705 Root folder permissions. Your Host might not be doing this or allow this, but typically 755 is fine for your Root folder. Changing your folder permissions to 705 helps in protecting against Mass Host Code Injections. CGI 604 file permissions have been thoroughly tested with WordPress and no problems have been discovered with WP or with WP Plugins. Changing your file permissions to 604 helps in protecting your files from Mass Host Code Injections. CGI Mission Critical files should be set to 400 and 404 respectively.