• Resolved espacemusculation


    Sorry for my english.

    I use this plugin with my o2switch host whose technical support is not able to help me.

    I often have pages with 400 errors and I just realized that they happen for example when I update an article.

    I have no idea what parameter I could change to avoid this. I don’t know where to look either to find a solution.

    I’ll give you as much information as I can.

    Thank you for your help.

    Server Variables
        SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache
        HTTP_X_LSCACHE = on,esi,crawler
        DOCUMENT_ROOT = /home/thji1698/wordpress
        LSWCP_TAG_PREFIX = 7ae
        WP_HOME = NULL
        WP_CONTENT_DIR = /home/thji1698/wordpress/wp-content
        SHORTINIT = false
        LSCWP_CONTENT_DIR = /home/thji1698/wordpress/wp-content
        LSCWP_CONTENT_FOLDER = wp-content
        LSCWP_DIR = /home/thji1698/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/
        LITESPEED_TIME_OFFSET = 3600.0
        LITESPEED_ALLOWED = true
        LITESPEED_ON = true
        LSCACHE_ADV_CACHE = true
        LSWCP_TAG_PREFIX = 7ae
    Wordpress Specific Extras
        wordpress version = 5.3
        siteurl = https://www.docteur-fitness.com
        home = https://www.docteur-fitness.com
        home_url = https://www.docteur-fitness.com
        locale = fr_FR
        active theme = Authentic
        active plugins = array (
      0 => 'ad-inserter/ad-inserter.php',
      1 => 'archive-page/archive-page.php',
      2 => 'blog2social/blog2social.php',
      3 => 'broken-link-checker/broken-link-checker.php',
      4 => 'contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php',
      5 => 'cookie-law-info/cookie-law-info.php',
      6 => 'custom-permalinks/custom-permalinks.php',
      7 => 'disable-comments/disable-comments.php',
      8 => 'easy-theme-and-plugin-upgrades/init.php',
      10 => 'footnotes/footnotes.php',
      11 => 'hide-my-wp/index.php',
      13 => 'kirki/kirki.php',
      14 => 'litespeed-cache/litespeed-cache.php',
      15 => 'loco-translate/loco.php',
      16 => 'loginpress/loginpress.php',
      17 => 'onesignal-free-web-push-notifications/onesignal.php',
      18 => 'powerkit/powerkit.php',
      19 => 'regenerate-thumbnails/regenerate-thumbnails.php',
      20 => 'report-content/report-content.php',
      21 => 'seo-by-rank-math/rank-math.php',
      22 => 'shortcode-widget/shortcode-widget.php',
      23 => 'simple-lightbox/main.php',
      24 => 'speaker/BulkProcess.php',
      25 => 'speaker/speaker.php',
      26 => 'updraftplus/updraftplus.php',
      27 => 'wordpress-popular-posts/wordpress-popular-posts.php',
      28 => 'wp-asset-clean-up-pro/wpacu.php',
      29 => 'wp-dashboard-notes/wp-dashboard-notes.php',
      30 => 'wp-night-mode/wp-night-mode.php',
      31 => 'wp-user-avatar/wp-user-avatar.php',
      32 => 'wps-cleaner/wps-cleaner.php',
    LSCache Plugin Options
        version =
        radio_select = 1
        auto_upgrade = false
        news = true
        purge_upgrade = false
        cache_priv = true
        cache_commenter = false
        cache_rest = true
        cache_page_login = false
        timed_urls = 
        timed_urls_time = 
        cache_favicon = true
        cache_resources = true
        mobileview_enabled = false
        mobileview_rules = Mobile|Android|Silk/|Kindle|BlackBerry|Opera\ Mini|Opera\ Mobi
        cache_object = true
        cache_object_kind = false
        cache_object_host = localhost
        cache_object_port = 11211
        cache_object_life = 360
        cache_object_persistent = true
        cache_object_admin = false
        cache_object_transients = true
        cache_object_db_id = 0
        cache_object_user = 
        cache_object_pswd = 
        cache_browser = true
        cache_browser_ttl = 10368000
        login_cookie = 
        check_advancedcache = true
        use_http_for_https_vary = false
        debug_disable_all = false
        debug = 1
        admin_ips =
        debug_level = true
        log_file_size = 30
        heartbeat = true
        debug_cookie = false
        collaps_qs = false
        log_filters = false
        public_ttl = 604800
        private_ttl = 1800
        front_page_ttl = 604800
        feed_ttl = 0
        403_ttl = 3600
        404_ttl = 3600
        500_ttl = 3600
        purge_by_post = 
        excludes_qs = 
        excludes_cat = 
        excludes_tag = 
        instant_click = false
        css_minify = true
        css_inline_minify = true
        css_combine = true
        css_combined_priority = false
        css_http2 = true
        css_exclude = 
        js_minify = true
        js_inline_minify = true
        js_combine = true
        js_combined_priority = false
        js_http2 = true
        js_exclude = 
        optimize_ttl = 604800
        html_minify = true
        optm_qs_rm = true
        optm_ggfonts_rm = true
        optm_css_async = true
        optm_ccss_gen = true
        optm_ccss_async = true
        optm_css_async_inline = true
        optm_js_defer = true
        optm_emoji_rm = true
        optm_exclude_jquery = false
        optm_ggfonts_async = false
        optm_max_size = 1.2
        optm_rm_comment = true
        cdn = false
        cdn_ori = 
        cdn_exclude = 
        cdn_remote_jquery = 0
        cdn_quic = false
        cdn_quic_email = 
        cdn_quic_key = 
        cdn_cloudflare = false
        cdn_cloudflare_email = 
        cdn_cloudflare_key = 
        cdn_cloudflare_name = 
        cdn_cloudflare_zone = 
        media_img_lazy = true
        media_img_lazy_placeholder = 
        media_placeholder_resp = false
        media_placeholder_resp_color = #cfd4db
        media_placeholder_resp_async = true
        media_iframe_lazy = false
        media_img_lazyjs_inline = true
        media_optm_auto = true
        media_optm_cron = true
        media_optm_ori = true
        media_rm_ori_bkup = false
        media_optm_webp = true
        media_optm_lossless = true
        media_optm_exif = false
        media_webp_replace = true
        media_webp_replace_srcset = true
        hash = id3GX5Y8CsQIrizjnEdlEmHioNMlYRjD
        nocache_cookies = 
        nocache_useragents = 
        crawler_include_posts = true
        crawler_include_pages = true
        crawler_include_cats = true
        crawler_include_tags = false
        crawler_excludes_cpt = 
        crawler_order_links = date_desc
        crawler_usleep = 1000
        crawler_run_duration = 800
        crawler_run_interval = 1000
        crawler_crawl_interval = 3024000
        crawler_threads = 2
        crawler_load_limit = 1
        crawler_domain_ip =
        crawler_custom_sitemap = 
        crawler_cron_active = false
        esi_enabled = true
        esi_cached_admbar = false
        esi_cached_commform = false
        litespeed-cache-vary-group = array (
      'administrator' => '99',
      'author' => '0',
      'contributor' => '0',
      'custom_permalinks_manager' => '0',
      'editor' => '0',
      'subscriber' => '0',
      'translator' => '0',
        litespeed-cache-exclude-optimization-roles = array (
        litespeed-cache-exclude-cache-roles = array (
        litespeed-optm-css = 
        litespeed-optm-js-defer-excludes = 
        litespeed-media-lazy-img-excludes = 
        litespeed-media-lazy-img-cls-excludes = jarallax-img
        litespeed-media-need-pull = pulled
        litespeed-cache-drop_qs = 
        litespeed-cache-cdn_mapping = array (
      0 => 
      array (
        'url' => false,
        'inc_img' => '1',
        'inc_css' => '1',
        'inc_js' => '1',
        'filetype' => '.aac
        litespeed-cdn-ori_dir = wp-content
        litespeed-cache-dns_prefetch = //adservice.google.com
        litespeed-cache-cloudflare_status = false
        litespeed-log_ignore_filters = gettext
        litespeed-log_ignore_part_filters = i18n
        litespeed-object_global_groups = users
        litespeed-object_non_persistent_groups = comment
        litespeed-crawler-as-uids = 
        litespeed-crawler-cookies = array (
        litespeed-adv-purge_all_hooks = switch_theme
        litespeed-forced_cache_uri = 
        litespeed-cache_uri_priv = 
        litespeed-optm_excludes = 
        litespeed-excludes_uri = 
        litespeed-media-webp_attribute = img.src
        litespeed-optm-ccss-separate_posttype = 
        litespeed-optm-css-separate_uri = 
    /home/thji1698/wordpress/.htaccess contents:
    # o2switch pagespeed start / DO NOT REMOVE OR EDIT
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    ModPagespeedRewriteLevel PassThrough
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters make_show_ads_async,dedup_inlined_images,defer_javascript,extend_cache,hint_preload_subresources
    # o2switch pagespeed end / DO NOT REMOVE OR EDIT
    # o2s WpTiger Begin - Dont edit - Ne pas modifier - forceHttps
    # Force le HTTPS
    RewriteEngine On 
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
    RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
    # o2s WpTiger End - Dont edit - Ne pas modifier - forceHttps
    ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ##
    <IfModule LiteSpeed>
    RewriteEngine on
    CacheLookup on
    RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:no-autoflush]
    RewriteRule ^min/\w+\.(css|js) - [E=cache-control:no-vary]
    ### marker CACHE RESOURCE start ###
    RewriteRule wp-content/.*/[^/]*(responsive|css|js|dynamic|loader|fonts)\.php - [E=cache-control:max-age=3600]
    ### marker CACHE RESOURCE end ###
    ### marker FAVICON start ###
    RewriteRule favicon\.ico$ - [E=cache-control:max-age=86400]
    ### marker FAVICON end ###
    ### marker WEBP start ###
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} "image/webp" [or]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "Page Speed"
    RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:vary=%{ENV:LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE}+webp]
    ### marker WEBP end ###
    ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ##
    ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ##
    ### marker BROWSER CACHE start ###
    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
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    ExpiresByType text/javascript A10368000
    ExpiresByType application/javascript A10368000
    ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A10368000
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    ExpiresByType application/font-woff A10368000
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    ExpiresByType font/ttf A10368000
    ExpiresByType font/woff A10368000
    ExpiresByType font/woff2 A10368000
    ### marker BROWSER CACHE end ###
    ### marker MINIFY start ###
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    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/min/(\w+)\.(css|js)$
    RewriteCond %1/wp-content/cache/$2/$1.$2 -f
    RewriteRule min/(\w+)\.(css|js) wp-content/cache/$2/$1.$2 [L]
    ### marker MINIFY end ###
    ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ##
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?admin007/(.*) /wp-admin/$2 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?connexion$ /wp-login.php$2 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?connexion/(.*) /wp-login.php$2 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?skin/(.*) /wp-content/themes/$2 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?redacteur/(.*) /author/$2 [QSA,L]
    # BEGIN WordPress
    # Les directives (lignes) entre 'BEGIN WordPress' et 'END WordPress' sont
    # généré dynamiquement, et ne doivent uniquement être modifiées via les filtres WordPress.
    # Toute modification des directives entre ces marqueurs sera outrepassée.
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
    AddType text/javascript js
    AddType application/x-javascript js
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] Query String:
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/index.php
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] Query String:
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/index.php
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:21:12.942 [ 1 LTS] Media init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.942 [ 1 LTS] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.942 [ 1 LTS] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:21:12.942 [ 1 LTS] Task init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.943 [ 1 LTS] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] Media init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] Task init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:21:12.982 [ 1 LTS] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:21:12.982 [ 1 YHP] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:21:12.986 [ 1 YHP] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Router] get_uid: 1 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Vary->finalize_default_vary()@359 => LSC_Vary->_update_default_vary()@318 => LSC_Vary->_finalize()@510
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Router] get_role: administrator
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Cfg] role in vary_group [group] 99
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: false
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] End response
    12/05/19 09:21:12.988 [ 1 LTS] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Router] get_uid: 1 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Vary->finalize_default_vary()@359 => LSC_Vary->_update_default_vary()@318 => LSC_Vary->_finalize()@510
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Router] get_role: administrator
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Cfg] role in vary_group [group] 99
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: false
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] End response
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] Query String: action=blc_dashboard_status&random=0.6211281768959143
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/index.php
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /wp-cron.php
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] Query String: doing_wp_cron=1575534118.9977309703826904296875
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1575534118.9977309703826904296875
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] User Agent: WordPress/5.3; https://www.docteur-fitness.com
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] Accept Encoding: gzip
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:21:59.071 [ 1 ziu] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce()
    12/05/19 09:21:59.275 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_uid: 0 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Router::get_role()@234 => LSC_Config->in_exclude_optimization_roles()@351 => LSC->after_user_init()@234
    12/05/19 09:21:59.275 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] Media init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] Task init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] GUI init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] End response
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] Media init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] Task init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:21:59.507 [ 1 BVO] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Router] get_uid: 1 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Vary->finalize_default_vary()@359 => LSC_Vary->_update_default_vary()@318 => LSC_Vary->_finalize()@510
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Router] get_role: administrator
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Cfg] role in vary_group [group] 99
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: false
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] End response
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] Query String:
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/admin.php?page=lscache-crawler
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:22:11.909 [ 1 FT0] Media init
    12/05/19 09:22:11.910 [ 1 FT0] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:22:11.910 [ 1 FT0] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:22:11.910 [ 1 FT0] Task init
    12/05/19 09:22:11.910 [ 1 FT0] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:22:11.952 [ 1 FT0] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] ?? ------HEAD HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /luminotherapie-vous-reprendrez-bien-un-peu-de-soleil
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] Query String:
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] Accept Encoding: gzip
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:22:14.650 [ 1 iet] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce()
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /wp-cron.php
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] Query String: doing_wp_cron=1575534134.7660191059112548828125
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1575534134.7660191059112548828125
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] User Agent: WordPress/5.3; https://www.docteur-fitness.com
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] Accept Encoding: gzip
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce()
    12/05/19 09:22:15.003 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_uid: 0 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Router::get_role()@234 => LSC_Config->in_exclude_optimization_roles()@351 => LSC->after_user_init()@234
    12/05/19 09:22:15.003 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.003 [ 1 0mn] Media init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.004 [ 1 0mn] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.004 [ 1 0mn] Task init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.004 [ 1 0mn] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:22:15.004 [ 1 0mn] GUI init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.295 [ 1 0mn] ImgOptm init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.295 [ 1 0mn] [Img_Optm] preparing images to push
    12/05/19 09:22:15.298 [ 1 0mn] [Img_Optm] optimize bypass: no image found
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] End response
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_uid: 0 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Router::get_role()@234 => LSC_Config->in_exclude_optimization_roles()@351 => LSC->after_user_init()@234
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] Media init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] Task init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] GUI init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.332 [ 1 iet] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Ctrl] X Cache_control off - not GET method:HEAD
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Control::finalize()@566 => LSC->send_headers()@614
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] End response
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] Query String: action=blc_dashboard_status&random=0.46025113066355816
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/index.php
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:22:15.877 [ 1 Lz6] Media init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.877 [ 1 Lz6] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.878 [ 1 Lz6] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:22:15.878 [ 1 Lz6] Task init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.878 [ 1 Lz6] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:22:15.913 [ 1 Lz6] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Router] get_uid: 1 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Vary->finalize_default_vary()@359 => LSC_Vary->_update_default_vary()@318 => LSC_Vary->_finalize()@510
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Router] get_role: administrator
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Cfg] role in vary_group [group] 99
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: false
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] End response

    Jimmy THAI

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